On 30/05/2023 10:19, Stephan Bergmann wrote:
On 5/27/23 23:13, Italo Vignoli wrote:
The next major release after LibreOffice 7.6 will be LibreOffice 24.2 (February), which will be followed by LibreOffice 24.8 (August)

* Given the current level of maturity of the LibreOffice Technology development platform, it is increasingly difficult to provide a number of significant new features for each major release based on the current numbering scheme (while new features are key for media coverage, if we maintain the current numbering scheme)

* By choosing a calendar based numbering scheme, we decouple the expectation of significant new features from each new major release: if we have significant new features they will be welcomed by the media, but if we don't have them the media will not be disappointed (and will write about LibreOffice)

* We have already started to adapt our communication strategy to the new numbering scheme by meeting journalists independently from announcements

* At LibreOffice Conference we will provide additional information about the communication strategy, and how this will help increasing the update frequency by users (which is now rather low, apart from a very small percentage of users)

This raises two questions:

* How does the new versioning scheme fit with the current setup of having two parallel streams of "fresh" (currently LO 7.5.3) and "still" (currently LO 7.4.7) versions?

* Some places in the code rely on version numbers being strictly monotonically increasing based on a lexicographical ordering of their dotted version number segments.  (For example, 7.4.6 < 7.4.7 < 7.5.3 < 8.0.)  Switching to a 24.2/24.8/... versioning scheme would initially fit that requirement (as 7.6 < 24.2).  But the two-digit year component of that scheme has the disturbing (to pedants, at least) issue of wrap-around.  Can we instead use a full-year versioning scheme, 2024.2/2024.8/...?

another option would be to have an internal version number that is just an integer incremented with every release... a 64-bit integer should be enough for 10^18 years of bi-yearly releases... simple and obvious :)

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