On Jan 8, 2016 12:29 AM, "Beau Mathieson" <perso...@beaumathieson.org>
> Hi all,
> I have noticed that our primary Facebook and Twitter accounts are
> gearing their content more toward a user who has technical knowledge or
> is already a user of Fedora. Content about systemd, python, elections,
> etc aren't going to draw in potential users of a non technical
> background or one who has never used any Linux operating system before.
> I believe it's best to keep that content to the magazine and use social
> media to draw potential users in. Maybe we should use social media to
> target the everyday user. By doing that we could gain a lot more users
> and potential contributors and maybe we could even gain more of a stake
> in the market. We have a chance to do something amazing!
> Kind regards,
> Beau Mathieson


We have a newish tool: social-me...@lists.fedoraproject.org as an address
where we can aggregate links and content that should be broadcasted across
our channels. If you have content of the sort you are describing above, you
can send a quick message to that list to get it on the collective  radar.
Please send there, and feel free to subscribe too and individually promote
content if you'd like

Welcome Welcome,

P.S. - if you aren't there already, I would highly recommend joining
#fedora-mktg and #fedora-commops on freenode, where you'll find many of the
interested parties from this mail list are discussing this type of stuff in
real time.
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