On Mar 1, 2016 22:17, "Justin W. Flory" <jflo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 03/01/2016 09:01 AM, Jiri Eischmann wrote:
>> Hi,
>> as Matthew announced at DevConf.cz our primary marketing focus for this
>> year are Python developers.
>> In EMEA, we've reacted and increased the number of Python events in the
>> list of planned events (several PyCons, planning to be at EuroPython
>> again...), but I realized we're not ready for that at all, or at least
>> I'm not aware of anything.
> As a note of reference, fale put together a list of all Python-related
events across the world on the wiki. This can help serve as an excellent
resource for planning for events and putting dates on the calendar.
> I encourage all Ambassadors of all regions to take a glance at this page
and see what's coming up soon if you are not aware already.
>     https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Python_Events_2016
> fale++

Yes, thank you big-time Fale. Nice work!

>> We have no marketing materials. Miro created a "Fedora loves Python"
>> sticker for Python CZ, but that's all we have in EMEA. Today, we were
>> offered an opportunity to add our swag in conference bags at PyCon SK,
>> but we don't have anything usable. Something like a flyer that explains
>> why Fedora is the right system for a Python developer would be great.
> I think this is something that the Marketing team can and definite
Ambassadors are also encouraged to help with this as well if they are
interested. Like Ruth mentioned, we do have a flyer, but it needs updating.
I think a good immediate objective is:
> 1) Compiling a list of Python "hot topics" (e.g. "What makes Python great
on Fedora?" "How can working on Python in Fedora be easier than other
distros?" And so on.)


Whether this is a wiki page, or etherpad, or whatever, it should be a
living document that many folks can contribute to.

Let's make sure EMEA has these knowledge resources ASAP, printed or not.

> 2) Submitting a ticket on the Design Team Trac with this info and a
request to update the flyer for distribution in 2016.

Yes, but being mindful that design team is one of our most stretched, and
we want to have as much of this legwork done as possible when we come to
them. Let's see if we can't base our deadlines reasonably on the European
events recently listed by Jiri in another thread earlier today (cc'd
here.), with PyCon North America being our first major milestone.

> The CommOps team is also heavily invested in helping with this area too
as a supporting team. It's also on our backburner but I'm beginning to
think this is something we should begin moving to the forefront of
planning. After all, these events are happening *now* and in the very near
future, so getting the gears turning ASAP is best.

Yes, this is our primary marketing objective this year, and we want to be
fully prepared long before PyCon US at the end of May.

> I'm going to make sure that this email thread is converted to a Marketing
Trac ticket and added to the meeting agenda for Marketing tomorrow.

We should also consider reaching out to the Python SIG mailing list once we
have living documents, and directly ask for input there. I'm cc'ing Kushal
and Nick Coghlin who are known Pythonistas, to bring them into the loop on
soliciting input from other internal and upstream sources. If they or
anyone else here knows of other folks that should be in the loop, please
add them.

>> And it's not only about marketing materials, ambassadors should get
>> instructions what to show Python developers, so that it won't end up
>> like showcasing a la "hey, Fedora is cool, it has Firefox,
>> LibreOffice,... and look it has windows just like Windows or Mac". So
>> we would definitely need at least some talking points.
> I agree with this point as well. Haïkel listed great starting points in
his reply (I think also mentioning that Fedora is actively helping migrate
to Python3 is an excellent point too). Using this as a base might be a good
> I'm also very very very +1 to what Ardian said. A lot of our
infrastructure is based off of Python and showing some of the cool things
that our own developers have made for Fedora with Python is a great and
real-world example of things people can hack onto. I've been sharing some
Python projects in Fedora with some students in my community, and there's
been a lot of interest in Tahrir, the platform that powers our Open Badges
project. Additionally, the fedmsg system, or in other words, the open
firehose of data in Fedora, is also built in Python, along with many of the
cool tools that let us take this data and show cool things and trends.
> Putting together a list of "hot Python projects in Fedora" and some of
the things they enable would also be a good next step to take for providing
talking points and resources to our Ambassadors in the field.

Yes this list is important for us to have available for folks who are very
excited about contributing to Fedora, but we don't want our marketing focus
be primarily about contributions to our own project.

Fedorans hack upstream, and it should be about what you can build with and
on top of Fedora, whether you write for bare metal, or the web, or anywhere

We want to Mac users and developers using other platforms to see Fedora as
a great base from which to start building *their* stuff, not just ours, ya

When talking about the spirit of WHY Fedora is a great base, that is when
our internal reasons--infrastructure being primarily a Python shop, and our
Friends foundation being so well aligned with Python's approachability, and
our First foundation making us prioritize Python3 for the distro
default--come into play.

> I'm going to work on creating a ticket in the Marketing Trac – I'll make
it a point to share it in this email loop once it's created and provide a
place for people to begin placing down some ideas in a more static

This is more than just a marketing objective to me. I personally identify
just as much as a Pythonista as I do a Fedoran, and I am beyond thrilled to
get to cross these streams. These two FOSS communities, together, have
changed my life, and I want to help other folks, new and veteran, to
understand how the two can help them too.

This is a great start commops, and we're going to broaden this loop once we
get our ducks in a row. We're going to need all the help we can get, but I
can see quite clearly how compatible and effective this will be for both
communities, and the FOSS ecosystem at large if we do it right.

Looking Forward,
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