Server Folks, It's that time of year again where Fedora Marketing is collecting all of the talking points for our upcoming F24 release!
For those of you who don't know about talking points, you can read the ticket in the marketing trac (which includes the SOP instructions) here: tl;dr -- talking points are basically highlights about the release that are worth mentioning when talking to Fedora Users and other interested press. This can include things like: - Performance Enhancements/Increases - New Features - Fixed Bugs - Newly Implemented Ideas - Collaborations and Partnerships - Things that often go into Release Notes - Other novel stuff that only WG contributors would know about, but the rest of the world should know too! You can reply-all here, or on the ticket itself, and the CommOps folks cc'd here will help to integrate your input :) Thanks for your time, and Happy Hacking. --RemyD. -- Remy DeCausemaker Fedora Community Lead & Council <> -- marketing mailing list List info or to change your subscription: