On 04/22/2016 11:15 AM, Jiri Eischmann wrote:
> Hi,
> as you may know Fedora 24 Workstation will introduce an upgrade
> mechanism that in integrated to GNOME Software. There will be a banner
> informing about availability of new release of Fedora. See [1]. We need
> to provide content for the 'Learn More' button. Because it's
> Workstation-only thing, we should have something that has highlights in
> Workstation. Something like [2]. An article at Fedora Magazine would be
> just fine, but 1) we need to know the URL before F24 is released and 2)
> we need to make sure the article is published once F24 is out.
> Anyone up for the task? ;)
> Jiri
> [1] https://plus.google.com/u/0/photos/107928060492923463788/albums/627
> 5723538330122529/6275723537050052866
> [2] https://fedoramagazine.org/whats-new-in-fedora-23-workstation/

Hi Jiri, sorry for the late response!

I am very much so inclined to say the post will be the same. I actually
just went to create the article, but I see Paul has already done so. The
URL he generated is as follows:


The post is currently an empty draft right now. I would double-check
with either ryanlerch or stickster about the possibility of
*guaranteeing* the URL remains the same. I think it's almost already
sure to not change, but for something like this, I would get one of
their +1 on this as well. The intention is to also publish this article
"Day of Release".

Hope this helps!

Justin W. Flory

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