#229: Shared, secure password distribution
  Reporter:  jflory7              |      Owner:  jflory7
      Type:  enhancement          |     Status:  assigned
  Priority:  normal               |  Milestone:  Fedora 24
 Component:  Internal operations  |   Severity:  not urgent
Resolution:                       |   Keywords:  meeting
Blocked By:                       |   Blocking:

Comment (by woohuiren):

 Rattic's last commit was 22 Aug 2015. Lots of unresolved issues on Github
 [1] as well.

 -1 for Rattic.

 pass, although having lesser features, seem to have a healthy dose of
 contributors on their Git repo. Since pass's passwords can be synchronized
 via Git, I think it is sort of viable since Fedora infra already have a
 Git system integrated with our current Fedora login. On top of that,
 Fedora's system supports GPG.

 +1 for pass.

 [1] - https://github.com/tildaslash/RatticWeb/issues

Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/marketing-team/ticket/229#comment:3>
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