Hello everyone,

this is a friendly reminder that tonight is the deadline to submit your 
requests. You have until 23:59:59 UTC +0000 to do so.

Thank you.

> On June 26, 2016 at 12:45 AM Giannis Konstantinidis 
> <gian...@konstantinidis.cc> wrote:
>     Hello everyone,
>     in the past we have had a tradition of sponsoring EMEA contributors that 
> would like to attend Flock[0] but are not going to receive funding as 
> speakers.
>     The allocated budget for this year was only $800, initially. The adjusted 
> budget is even less. As we wish to assist as many contributors in need as 
> possible, we are going to try and raise that budget. However, no promises 
> made at this point.
>     This program is intended for contributors that currently reside in EMEA. 
> Other regions may feel free to come up with similar programs for their 
> contributors as they see fit. Priority will be given to contributors that 
> have recently maintained a record of activity and also have some kind of work 
> agenda for the conference (e.g. meet with fellow contributors, actively 
> contribute on site).
>     In any case, the budget we are going to end up with will be limited. Most 
> likely we will be able to offer only -partial- subsidies. Do not apply if you 
> are not okay with that. If you are able to receive funding from other sources 
> (e.g. your employer), please do so.
>     To request for sponsorship, file a ticket on the EMEA Trac[1], state the 
> reason(s) for applying and what you expect to accomplish by attending the 
> conference. Deadline should be July 5, 23:59:59 UTC +0. All tickets will be 
> later evaluated by FAmSCo, same as last time.
>     We will get back to you once we have more information regarding the 
> budget. Please spread the news to your fellow Fedorians.
>     Thank you and good luck!
>     -Giannis
>     [0] https://flocktofedora.org/
>     [1] https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/
>     --
>     Giannis Konstantinidis
>     gian...@konstantinidis.cc
>     http://konstantinidis.cc
>     giannisk on irc.freenode.net
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