#232: Creating low-hanging fruit tasks
 Reporter:  jflory7              |       Owner:  jflory7
     Type:  enhancement          |      Status:  new
 Priority:  critical             |   Milestone:  Fedora 24
Component:  Internal operations  |    Severity:  urgent
 Keywords:                       |  Blocked By:
 Blocking:                       |
 = Problem =

 The Marketing project does not always communicate well the work we are
 doing in terms of filed tickets and other recurring tasks. To help new
 contributors get involved, more "easyfix"-style tasks should be created
 that any contributor of varying experience would be able to take on.

 = Analysis =

 Creating these kinds of tasks will make it easier for people to get
 involved and slowly work their way up to other types of tasks. This has
 been demonstrated (successfully) by other sub-projects.

 = Enhancement Recommendation =

 In addition to a "ticket filing frenzy", having a long-term strategy for
 this would be helpful. We don't just want to create these tasks for Fedora
 24 and then run into the same problem next year. Looking ahead to the
 future would be helpful for the longevity of Marketing.

 I'm postponing discussing this ticket until after (or maybe during) Flock.

Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/marketing-team/ticket/232>
Marketing Team <https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing>
The Trac site for the Fedora Project Marketing team. This Trac serves as a 
place to list out tasks, define objectives, and work on monitoring our progress 
with key tasks and goals.
Fedora Marketing mailing list

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