|                                tl;dr                                |
| WHAT: Bringing more energy into Marketing team                      |
| HOW: Identifying problems, proposing solutions                      |
| WHY: Improve experience in Marketing, helping move towards more     |
|      creative innovation as a team                                  |
| WE NEED YOU: Check ticket, read solutions, give feedback            |
| LINK: https://pagure.io/fedora-commops/issue/48                     |

Hey everyone,

I wanted to bring a topic up for discussion that started in CommOps a while back and I'm now getting time to revisit. In CommOps, we are working through helping individual sub-projects improve their on-boarding tools and strategies to bring in more contributors and also to help retain them.

In the original CommOps meeting to brainstorm, Gabriele and I helped provide context to identifying some of the current struggles and problems of Marketing. After gaining some of the background, we all tried to come up with some ideas on how to fix these problems and improve the experience for newcomers (and maybe even long-time contributors too). :-)

All of this discussion is summarized into nice bulletpoints in this ticket:


It would be great if some other Marketing folks could check out this ticket and leave feedback. Since I'm contributing in both CommOps and Marketing, I'm helping guide this along and hopefully we can begin trying to create a plan or steps to follow to help implement some of the solutions in the ticket at the next Marketing and CommOps meetings.

Thanks everyone!

Justin W. Flory

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