Hey all,

The weekly Marketing meeting just wrapped up. It was only me and Eduard
today, but we mostly focused on getting ready for the talking points in
two weeks and to begin expanding on milestones for the EDU campaign
ticket (that we hope to present to the Council in the State of Marketing

Full minutes and logs are available below! See you all in channel or on
the list.

= = = = =

Meeting ended Tue Mar  7 14:59:27 2017 UTC.
Minutes (text):

* * * * *

#fedora-meeting: Fedora Marketing meeting (2017-03-07)

Meeting started by jwf at 14:00:00 UTC. The full logs are available at

Meeting summary
* Agenda  (jwf, 14:00:11)
  * LINK:
    (jwf, 14:00:15)
  * (1) Roll call  (jwf, 14:00:20)
  * (2) Announcements  (jwf, 14:00:24)
  * (3) Action items from last meeting  (jwf, 14:00:29)
  * (4) Tickets  (jwf, 14:00:32)
  * (5) Upcoming tasks  (jwf, 14:00:37)
  * (6) Open floor  (jwf, 14:00:41)

* Roll call  (jwf, 14:00:50)
  * Name; Timezone; Other sub-projects / interest areas  (jwf, 14:00:51)
  * Justin W. Flory; UTC+1; CommOps, Marketing, Magazine, Ambassadors,
    Diversity Team, sysadmin-badges, and more…  (jwf, 14:01:14)
  * Eduard Lucena; UTC-4; Magazine,Marketing,Ambassadors,Join and
    starting with infra  (x3mboy, 14:01:51)

* Announcements  (jwf, 14:04:47)
  * No new weekly news coverage on jflory7's radar…  (jwf, 14:04:55)
  * === "fedorahosted.org retired today (2017-03-01)" ===  (jwf,
  * LINK:

    (jwf, 14:05:06)
  * FedoraHosted.org was officially retired last week. All projects are
    either defunct or have migrated to Pagure (or elsewhere).  (jwf,

* Action items from last meetings  (jwf, 14:06:58)
  * LINK:

    (jwf, 14:07:03)
  * How This Works: We look at past #action items from the last meeting
    for quick follow-up. If a task is completed, we move on to the next
    one. If it isn't, we get an update and re-action it if needed. If no
    status, we'll try to get a quick update and move forward.  (jwf,
  * === FranciscoD / bkp Discuss and draft a short proposal of what
    one-page release announcements looks like for the press kit, with
    (1) timeline for when they should be created during the release, (2)
    type of content to include in the announcement, and (3) how it
    should be delivered ===  (jwf, 14:07:15)
  * ACTION: FranciscoD / bkp Discuss and draft a short proposal of what
    one-page release announcements looks like for the press kit, with
    (1) timeline for when they should be created during the release, (2)
    type of content to include in the announcement, and (3) how it
    should be delivered  (jwf, 14:08:37)
  * === [COMPLETE] jwf Draft a simple proposal for what background
    modules / past press coverage should be in the press kit, add
    comment to ticket #242 for discussion at next meeting ===  (jwf,
  * LINK: https://pagure.io/fedora-marketing/issue/242#comment-428896
    (jwf, 14:08:56)

* Tickets  (jwf, 14:09:19)
  * LINK: https://pagure.io/fedora-marketing/issues?tags=meeting   (jwf,
  * === Ticket #242: "Update release activity steps / process on the
    wiki" ===  (jwf, 14:09:28)
  * LINK: https://pagure.io/fedora-marketing/issue/242   (jwf, 14:09:32)
  * AGREED: This ticket still needs input from FranciscoD and bkp. Along
    with impending deadlines for talking points and State of Fedora
    Marketing presentation, we will revisit this ticket after the Alpha
    release on March 21st.  (jwf, 14:11:16)
  * === Ticket #245: "Create Fedora 26 talking points" ===  (jwf,
  * LINK: https://pagure.io/fedora-marketing/issue/245   (jwf, 14:11:28)
  * AGREED: Will separate this ticket into two pieces – a new ticket for
    the "vision" or long-term task of creating our talking points
    (described in past meetings as release notes) into audiences, and
    then focus our efforts over the next two weeks on F26 Talking Points
    in the same way as usual  (jwf, 14:14:36)
  * ACTION: jwf Separate #245 into a new ticket for the long-term vision
    of audience-based TPs  (jwf, 14:15:00)
  * LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_26_talking_points
    (jwf, 14:15:41)
  * LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_25_talking_points
    (jwf, 14:16:30)
  * === Ticket #248: "Create an education-focused marketing campaign"
    ===  (jwf, 14:25:46)
  * LINK: https://pagure.io/fedora-marketing/issue/248   (jwf, 14:25:52)
  * AGREED: To better focus our resources towards developing and
    building this campaign, we want to start with a smaller, similar
    audience that could be expanded later. We first narrowed the scope
    to "university" and then to "students".  (jwf, 14:39:28)
  * ** Three first milestones to building this campaign **  (jwf,
  * IDEA: (1) Build a "roster" of Fedora contributors involved at
    universities across the world (updating the list we have already)
    (jwf, 14:40:11)
  * LINK:

    (jwf, 14:40:12)
  * IDEA: (2) Build university-focused "talking points" useful for
    Fedora contributors to introduce Fedora (and possibly wider concepts
    like Linux and open source) to students  (jwf, 14:41:15)
  * IDEA: (3) From the points, begin creating resources (e.g. logos,
    brochures / flyers, etc.) based on the talking points to highlight
    strong parts and make it easier to get a message across  (jwf,

* Upcoming Tasks  (jwf, 14:46:20)
  * LINK:
    (jwf, 14:46:24)
  * (1) Change Checkpoint: Completion deadline (Tue 2017-02-28)  (jwf,
  * (2) Create Talking Points (start: Tue 2017-02-28)  (jwf, 14:46:34)
  * (3) Proposed Changes Profiles (start: Tue 2017-03-07)  (jwf,
  * (4) Email WGs to solicit bullet points for Alpha release
    announcement (start: Thu 2017-03-09)  (jwf, 14:46:43)

* Open Floor  (jwf, 14:46:47)
  * ACTION: jsandys For Design Team ticket #502, add a screenshot of the
    placeholder for the website and clarify what the deliverable should
    be (is it HTML/CSS files sent to the organizers? is it a graphic?
    etc.)  (jwf, 14:56:59)

Meeting ended at 14:59:27 UTC.

Action Items
* FranciscoD / bkp Discuss and draft a short proposal of what one-page
  release announcements looks like for the press kit, with (1) timeline
  for when they should be created during the release, (2) type of
  content to include in the announcement, and (3) how it should be
* jwf Separate #245 into a new ticket for the long-term vision of
  audience-based TPs
* jsandys For Design Team ticket #502, add a screenshot of the
  placeholder for the website and clarify what the deliverable should be
  (is it HTML/CSS files sent to the organizers? is it a graphic? etc.)

Action Items, by person
* bkp
  * FranciscoD / bkp Discuss and draft a short proposal of what one-page
    release announcements looks like for the press kit, with (1)
    timeline for when they should be created during the release, (2)
    type of content to include in the announcement, and (3) how it
    should be delivered
* FranciscoD
  * FranciscoD / bkp Discuss and draft a short proposal of what one-page
    release announcements looks like for the press kit, with (1)
    timeline for when they should be created during the release, (2)
    type of content to include in the announcement, and (3) how it
    should be delivered
* jsandys
  * jsandys For Design Team ticket #502, add a screenshot of the
    placeholder for the website and clarify what the deliverable should
    be (is it HTML/CSS files sent to the organizers? is it a graphic?
* jwf
  * jwf Separate #245 into a new ticket for the long-term vision of
    audience-based TPs
  * (none)

People Present (lines said)
* jwf (148)
* x3mboy (46)
* jsandys (11)
* zodbot (8)
* Rhea (4)
* mizmo (3)
* FranciscoD (0)
* bkp (0)

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Justin W. Flory

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