On 12/17/2017 05:40 PM, Ben Cotton wrote:
> Hi friends,
> I decided it was time that I joined the Fedora Marketing mailing list.
> I'm Ben Cotton (FAS ID: bcotton) based in Indiana, USA. I've been a
> Fedora contributor for about eight years now. I started in the Docs team
> as a writer and later became the team lead for a while. My contributions
> have waned as career and life became more demanding, so I stopped
> writing docs and took over maintainership of a few small packages.

Ben!!! Hi, welcome to the Fedora Marketing mailing list! So happy to see
your name pop up here. You're welcome to join us in IRC too in
#fedora-mktg on Freenode.

> I want to start contributing more again. I am a marketing professional
> now, so the marketing group seems like a good fit. My interests are
> writing, making fun videos, and setting strategies. I do the first two
> for Opensource.com when I'm not doing my dayjob.

Your expertise and skills in this area are super helpful. Alberto (bt0)
and Eduard (x3mboy) are driving the efforts these days, and they can
help point you to some of the current tasks the team is working on.

However, the Marketing team is really limited only by creativity. A lot
of the skills and help you could bring to the team aren't things we're
focusing on because of lacking the manpower. If you have creative ideas
that you think would be fun or interesting, I highly encourage you to
pitch them too. We'd be more than happy to help support you in doing
these things. For example, the Fedora YouTube channel isn't utilized
that well, but I know we could do better if we had some folks with an
audio/video interest.

> My plan is to lurk here on the list for a little bit to get the lay of
> the land, and then jump in. But if there are places that need immediate
> action, I'll do my best to be helpful. I'm looking forward to working
> with you all.
The best way to get up to speed is to attend the meetings. Currently,
the team meets on Tuesdays at 13:00 UTC in #fedora-meeting.


If you can attend, that would be awesome! Otherwise, minutes are always
sent out to the list of what was discussed.

It's really exciting to see you getting involved in Marketing! I'm
looking forward to seeing you around on the team. :)

Justin W. Flory

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