Adam is trying to get votes for Booki to win an Open Web Award from
Drumbeat.  Booki is the software behind FLOSS Manuals, which we used
to create our OLPC and Sugar manuals, including my own "Make Your Own
Sugar Activities!" and "E-Book Enlightenment".  Booki will also enable
students and teachers to write and publish their own books on any
subject, not just free software.  It can even be used to proofread and
correct EPUBs from the Internet Archive.

Anything that makes Booki and FLOSS Manuals more visible makes our own
manuals more visible.  Booki also aligns with our own mission to get
more free content into the hands of students.  I encourage you to
check out and if you like what you see register on drumbeat
and give it a vote.


James Simmons

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: adam hyde <>
Date: Mon, Dec 6, 2010 at 11:14 AM
Subject: olpc votes for booki?
To: James Simmons <>

hey...any chance we can get some blogs and tweets from olpc people to
vote for booki?


vote for booki in the Open Web Awards!

Booki (the latest FM project - - a collaborative
publishing platform) is in the final of the Open Web Awards.
Great! We are 1 of 3 projects. If we win we get 5000 which we will use
to do a code sprint on a tropical island somewhere ;)

please please please register :

and vote for us:

and pass this around!!!! :)

Adam Hyde
Founder FLOSS Manuals &
Booki Project Manager

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