from Website 2

In late 2010 and early 2011,
reached to revamp the website. The MarketLab consultants
and volunteers have stimulated important reconsideration of the messages we
want to project on this public site.

The sections below are a place to explore and summarize ideas collected from
our community on how best to market Sugar Labs through a web site for the
general public.

*Collaboration* is a prime distinguishing feature of Sugar that we should
naturally project in the image of Sugar Labs.

   - We must provide a means to collaborate on the public website.
   - We must provide a means to build and maintain the website

The general public can collaborate effectively through blog-style comments
and social group sites that link with Creative tools are
available for public expression and collaboration, and we must learn to put
our public to "work" with them to properly engage them in the Sugar Labs
Learning experience. This will help extend our Learning Platform into the
world wide web.

The second goal can be accomplished by starting a wiki version of the main
content. Marketing volunteers and others can edit, integrate, and migrate
the best submissions from the wiki sandbox and other sources to the main web
Joyful learning

Children and teachers *delighted in their learning* experience is another
prime distinguishing feature of Sugar deployments. This results from Sugar's
founding principles:

   - everyone is a teacher and a learner
   - humans by their nature are social beings
   - humans by their nature are expressive
   - we learn through doing, and
   - love is a better master than duty

We can proudly point to visual evidence of this in our OLPC

The public can learn that it is the Sugar software that powers those
computers; and it is people, dedicated to the Sugar principles, that drive
the communities to collaborate for such joyful learning.
A learning laboratory

The public can learn that Sugar Labs is a learning laboratory, where the
most important life skill is practiced and espoused. They can learn how we
are a laboratory developing catalysts to revolutionize the field of
education. We don't work exclusively in such a broad field, but we hope that
we can spark others to recognize and advance some of our developments and to
help in finding the most successful ways to stimulate others to join in the
mission of advancing learning to the highest possible level.

Sugar Labs' role is to be a focus and lens for Learners to learn learning—as
we are, and as we begin with the tools and communities we can assemble. We
are not a global university, but the public should be able to recognize that
we have some powerful ideas and tools, which are uniquely free, and which
have great potential to advance learning and education.
Learning software

All the inspiring views of education provided by OLPC, XO, and Sugar images
prompt all good-hearted souls to imagine wonderful possibilities for a
better world. Technologists see similar possibilities in the Sugar software
platform in the broad sense, including the style of development and the
fundamentally free expression of human intentions to a world of machines.

Our technologists want to learn how to teach machines to learn to
collaborate with humans, and our educators want to learn how to teach humans
to learn to learn with machines that can let humans collaborate in their
learning. Wow! that's a lot of learning. But the freedom to learn that comes
from having such free and powerful ideas and the companion of tools is

We need your help in unleashing that potential! If you love children and
collaboration and learning, and can help us with learning technology and
software and all the important bits that enliven and liberate our human
potential, join with us and contribute all those billions of ways to propel
Sugar learning into the future.
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