On Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 10:11 AM, Raffael Reichelt <
raffael.reich...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> Hello!
> I just wanted to prepare a page on my local project here in Berlin, the
> award of the senate I won with it and further plans for getting the project
> to work  - but honestly  I do not know where to place it. Would be nice
> under local labs. I also thought about an entry in planet sugar, but as far
> as I understood need to have a blog ready to contribute there - I do not
> have at the moment.
> Any suggestions?
> Regards,
> Raffael

Hi Raffael,


For the wiki, just choose a title for your project and start a new page with
that title.  If a new Local Lab is formed, the page can be referenced

It is best to have your main page at the root of the wiki hierarchy because
it will have shorter and more clear link text.

Once you have a blog (and you should for greater publicity), you can link
that resource to your wiki main page.  The blog will be good for publicity
and to collect comments.  The wiki will be good for collaborating on

Best wishes,             --Fred
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