The English and Spanish versions of the PR are done, there may be slight
tweaks before hard deadline tomorrow (noon EST). My plan is to canvass the
community for other translations after Google announcement (10:00 AM PST
tomorrow Feb.4th). Reminder, PR will be on PRNewswire from Tuesday morning
the 5th around 8:00 AM.

Christian will be standing by to update the press page [1] tomorrow. When
that is up (post- Google blog announcement) I will begin press mailings, in
dribs and drabs to avoid lockout of my mail account. Bernie said Friday he
is willing to help us set up mailings through a server, but I don't think
this will happen before tomorrow afternoon :-)

I have a usable photo from only one of our two winners, if deadline arrives
without any new photos from the other one I'll just have to use what we
have, which unfortunately is not great. Plan is to gang the two photos
together into a single JPEG (newswires prefer only one image). Rights
release forms to be signed & returned were prepared & sent to the winners
today. Still waiting on SFC position regarding rights release form text, if
they accept what I put together I will publish form (.odt/.pdf) in wiki.

I haven't had time to test the PR softphone, will do that tomorrow as soon
as I can. In principle I've been paying that out of pocket but I haven't
tested it since being down the hold.


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