Let's figure out that marketing strategy then? We are discussing 0.102
features, putting the work items on that list won't guarantee they gets
done but at least we will have a concrete idea of what would be required.
New release not being marketable for I don't know how many years and no
solution in sight is pretty bad situation to be in.

On Thursday, 7 November 2013, Sean DALY wrote:

> Hi Daniel, we had a volunteer who came to the project to work on that, but
> he gave up because of the lack of technical resources to assist - we asked
> for help and no one was able to.
> I don't know anything about a git repository, or even if that would be
> useful for what we need to do, but Christian Marc Schmidt who designed the
> existing site worked out templates for the new site and has I believe
> briefed Walter with a sandbox instance.
> A marketing study[1] done by MIT Sloan MarketLab students made excellent
> recommendations, but as on several previous occasions, our requests to the
> community for usable images/videos elicited little or no response.
> We could certainly create new images from scratch, but there's no budget
> for that.
> The larger problem is the absence of a marketing strategy, we need to know
> where we are going to communicate effectively. In particular, we need to
> choose and implement how to offer Sugar tryout to teachers and journalists.
> Sean
> 1.http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Marketing_Team, see section MIT Sloan
> MarketLab Study
> On Thu, Nov 7, 2013 at 10:33 PM, Daniel Narvaez 
> <dwnarv...@gmail.com<javascript:_e({}, 'cvml', 'dwnarv...@gmail.com');>
> > wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm pretty sure I've seen people talking of an imminent sugarlabs.orgwebsite 
>> redesign a long time ago, but nothing seem to be changed. What is
>> the status of that work? Also are the website sources somewhere in a git
>> repository?
>> Thanks.
>> --
>> Daniel Narvaez
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