On 19 April 2016 at 15:01, Sanchit Bansal <sanchit.bansal_u...@ashoka.edu.in
> wrote:

> How do you guys like the slider to the show the three main images of the
> website or I should do something else ?
> What do you think ?

If the images are in a scrolling page that is simple - like today - or
fading in, like https://www.withcoach.com - or in a slide JS, like
https://github.com/impress/impress.js/wiki/Examples-and-demos - is a
secondary question.

For me, the primary questions are, what is the visual styleguide that can
be applied to all 3 above options and many more situations, and what is the
content that the style guide is applied to?

That content exists outside of the visual design; and the visual design
exists outside of the content.

The content can be planned by mapping a conversion funnel with stage goals
into a coherent structure of pages expressed in an "information
architecture" site map diagram.



The styleguide shows patterns of color, type, and so on.

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