Hi All... some SCaLE 17X Musings from GrannieB

Alex and Adam have done a great job recapping our adventures at SCaLE 17X. It 
was the ninth time we have had a booth there and, hopefully will not be the 
last. At my age, organizing something like this each year gets more difficult 
so I am pleased that Alex has agreed to pick up the baton and carry it forward 
next year. If all goes well, I hope to be there again too, but as a volunteer, 
not the organizer.

This year was a lot of fun for me as I got to see many people who had visited 
our booth in past years who were still very interested and impressed with the 
new things that are going on with Sugar Labs. Our visitors included some people 
who had been involved with a small XO deployment we had at a junior high in 
South Central Los Angeles and from another with Spanish language XOs in East LA.

Curt Thompson, his wife Chi, and their 2 adorable daughters also stopped by. 
Curt and Chi had been very active with the Unleashed Kids deployment in Haiti 
BK (before kids), but for now they have their hands full with a lively 3 
year-old and her tiny 2 month old sister.

We ran out of business cards Saturday afternoon, but we kept one last one, and 
several people took home digital copies... photos they took of it on their cell 
phones. I notice Alex forgot to attach the copy he has of the card so I'll send 
the one I have on my phone.

The best moment of the conference for me came on the first day when I helped a 
little boy do some things on an XO. He didn't really need much help and was 
obviously enjoying every minute. When they had to leave the father handed him a 
sticker to give to me... it was a pretty thing with a heart on it and the 
words: "Today I helped someone with Autism."

When we got home, I found a nice surprise waiting for me... my very own copy of 
Guzmań Trinidad's new book "Física Con XO." Reading through it gives me some 
ideas for next year... some hands on science experiments visitors can try would 
be a lot of fun. There are a lot of technical problems that would have to be 
solved, but in solving them we would be opening doors for the use of 
Sugar/Sugarizer in science classes everywhere. It is something to think about.


P.S. The file was too big with the picture of the card. I'll try to send it 

From: IAEP <iaep-boun...@lists.sugarlabs.org> on behalf of Adam Holt 
Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2019 11:20 AM
To: Sugar Labs Marketing
Cc: iaep; event-plann...@lists.sugarlabs.org; SLOBs
Subject: Re: [IAEP] [Marketing] Sugar Labs at SCaLE 17x post-conference summary

Alex, Caryl & All did an amazing job pulling this together.

It really is a new era when many people came by who were born after OLPC's mass 
production era, had never heard of OLPC at all (or perhaps completely forgot 
about it a dozen years later...)

While we could not be there the entire 4 days, Fri-Sat-Sun each generated a ton 
of very thoughtful interest in Sugar, Internet-in-a-Box and many difficult 
democratized/global learning questions in general — more so than in prior years 

Perhaps the world is a "smaller place" than when OLPC/Sugar began in the 2000s, 
now approaching its 3rd decade (2020-2030) with a more grounded sense of 
impactful idealism than when it all began.....

On Tue, Mar 12, 2019, 1:52 PM Alex Perez 
<ape...@alexperez.com<mailto:ape...@alexperez.com>> wrote:
We had a successful presence at the Southern California Linux Expo, and booth 
visitors chose to take several hundred business cards with Sugar Labs, 
Sugarizer, Sugar On a Stick, and Internet In A Box logos. In attendance were 
myself, my wife, Caryl Bigenho, her lovely husband, and Adam Holt, all of whom 
were stationed at the booth to interact with and answer questions from the 

Estimated attendee count for SCaLE 
17x<https://www.socallinuxexpo.org/blog/scale-17x> was around 3,000. Despite 
being crammed in the rear corner of the exhibit hall, we had a lot of foot 
traffic, and general interest. We gave away just under 500 
sugarlabs.org-branded promotional items, which was a sugarlabs.org-branded LED 
light and whistle key chain item, as well as several hundred "business cards", 
which you can view below.

We had six OLPCs on display, including one XO-4, two XO-1.75's, and an XO-1.5, 
all of which could be interacted with by visitors, and had a lot of kids (I'd 
guess at least a hundred) stop by and play with the OLPCs. We briefly explained 
what Sugar was to adults and children alike, and encouraged them to try it out 
for themselves on the machines, as well as by download Sugar on a Stick.

We also had Sugarizer on demo on an iPad and Google Nexus 7 tablet, as well as 
a new $200 HP laptop running Sugar on a Stick, to demonstrate how easy it is to 
run Sugar on commodity hardware.

Please let me know if you have any questions.
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