This sound weird even for me, but i just dream on the AOO logo for 4.0. I
just woke up and I am trying to sketch whatever I saw was the AOO logo,
more than the logo was the artwork (similar to the gulls or the 3D gulls).
The artwork usually comes with the look and feel of the logo.

This was an image that at first glance looked more like a knife till I
finally got it, it was a windsurf leech. Something similar to here:

This basically form the 4, unfortunately the gradients were a bit too hard
to memorize and reproduce. But a series of gulls form different shades of
blue, and the intersection gave the inner part of the 4 space.

I am still working on it but this is the first draft but here is somewhat
of a sketch.

Alexandro Colorado
Apache OpenOffice Contributor

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