Some ideas:

1) I'm hoping we start seeing revisions of logos by Monday so we can
take it to the next stage.  Post them to the wiki.

You can add your logo to the wiki here:

2) Let's then discuss on the list and see if we can come to a
consensus on the single logo to go with.  Aim for a decision within a
week, if possible.  I'd rather avoid another survey.

A few ways we could do this.  We could discuss and by process of
elimination converge on a single logo.  Or maybe we ask each designer
to vote for one logo, but they can't vote on their own?   (Or would
that be too dramatic?)

Or, as a last resort we could ask the PMC to decide.  But it is best
if we can reach consensus instead of voting.  We all know that we'll
have only one logo in the end.

3) When we settle onto a logo, we'll need to get the vector source
files uploaded.  I can help with that.

4) We'll then need to make a variety of bitmap "treatments" of the
logo.  We'll need one for the website.  Different ones for avatars for
our Twitter, Google+ and Facebook pages. One for the Help/About dialog
in the product.  Possibly a more elaborate treatment for the splash
screen, where we can create a larger image that includes the logo.
We'll also want a much simplified and smaller treatment for the

We can share these tasks.  We don't need the original designer to do
it all, once we have picked the main logo.

We can even start now to collect technical requirements of these
treatments, such as aspect ratio,

4) There are other elements of the brand refresh that we should look
at as well, like updating toolbar icons.  The connection to the logo
is subtle here.  I think it has more to do with the color palette,
degree of saturation, lighting effects, etc.  I am not a designer, so
we really need someone with expertise to step up and make a proposal
here on what we should do.



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