The Marine Mammal Research Program (MMRP) is currently accepting applications for Research Interns

for the Spring/Summer 2006 semester (mid-February, 2006 - July 31, 2006).


The MMRP is located on Galveston, southern Texas. Our research lab is coordinated under the auspices

of the Institute of Marine Life Sciences (IMLS) at Texas A&M University in Galveston (TAMUG). Research

studies can vary widely in nature and availability. For information on past or current research projects at

MMRP, please visit our website, at


Internships at MMRP represent an opportunity to get "behind the scenes" to see how a marine mammal facility operates. 

It offers an excellent opportunity for motivated individuals to participate in MMRP's ongoing research projects and to obtain

laboratory training in photo-identification methodology and analysis under the mentorship of experienced marine mammal

researchers. In addition, educational opportunities are available, such as informal journal article reviews and the development

of personal learning objectives.


Successful applicants will be primarily responsible for assisting with lab-based photo-identification tasks. Other responsibilities

may include but are not limited to data entry into the computer for analysis, library research, and involvement in special projects. 

This coming year, we will not be engaged in gathering data from vessels, although some limited shore-based work with bottlenose

dolphin position information may be possible. Therefore, please be advised that this is primarily an intensive laboratory-analysis

experience with marine mammals.


Internships require a minimum of a 12-week commitment (16-20 weeks is preferable), 40 hours per week.

Starting and ending dates are flexible. There is no compensation for this internship position and successful applicants will

be responsible for their living and transportation expenses during the time of the internship. Successful candidate will also be

responsible for providing their own housing. However, MMRP will provide assistance in locating housing and/or matching up

interns desiring roommates. 


* Qualifications required:

- Must have basic computer proficiency; Microsoft Access literacy preferred

- Successful candidates will be ready and willing to learn, self-motivated, and flexible. 

- Prior research experience is recommended, but not required.


* The deadline for application is 16 January, 2006, and must contain the following: 

1. Curriculum vitae, or "resumé",

2. Letter of intent, which clearly spells out what you would wish to accomplish with the internship,

3. Two letters of reference, from professors or research supervisors who are familiar with your scholarship,

research skills and work habits,

4. A letter listing classes taken and grades obtained. An official transcript is not necessary, but a copy is appreciated.


Please send the above materials to :

Marine Mammal Research Program,

Attn. Internship Coordinator,

4700 Ave. U, Bldg. # 303, Galveston, TX 77551.


Interested applicants should correspond to:

Dr. Gwenael Beauplet

Marine Mammal Research Program
Institute of Marine Life Sciences, Texas A&M University

4700 Avenue U, Bldg #303, Galveston, TX 77551, USA 


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