Internship: Behavioral Ecology of Bottlenose Dolphins in the Florida Keys
Period of Service: Minimum (one month), maximum (up to 7 months) between April and November 2006
Details of Position: Work will involve assisting doctoral student with field research on a residential population of bottlenose dolphins located in the Lower Florida Keys. Responsibilities will include assisting in collection of behavior and environmental data, data entry/analysis and equipment maintenance. 
Interns will receive training in field and lab techniques used in cetacean research. 
Requirements: Must be upper division undergraduate or recent graduate from a scientific discipline. Prefer students with an interest in continuing education beyond Bachelors. Previous field experience a plus. Must be able to handle long hours (8+ per day) under extreme heat (up to 37 degrees Celsius). 
Positions are voluntary.
All work conducted will be done under a Letter of Confirmation for Level B Harassment (MMPA 1972).   
For further information please contact Jennifer Lewis at:
Florida International University
Department of Biological Sciences
Miami, Florida



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