Dear all, here are some new publications of week 48 / 2006, which haven't been announced on MARMAM earlier AFAIK.
By clicking the following link you are guided to a website, where the following references are linked to their according journal homepages. There you can find abstracts and contact information: Please do not contact MARMAM, the MARMAM editors or me for reprints. Thank you. Thanks to all of you who sent in reprints to be included in the weekly announcements. Kindest Regards, Jan Herrmann CETACEA Bejder, L. et al. (2006): Decline in Relative Abundance of Bottlenose Dolphins Exposed to Long-Term Disturbance. Conservation Biology 20(6): 1791-1798. Borrell, A. and A. Aguilar (2007): Organochlorine concentrations declined during 1987-2002 in western Mediterranean bottlenose dolphins, a coastal top predator. Chemosphere 66(2): 347-352. Fitzgerald, E.M.G. (2006): A bizarre new toothed mysticete (Cetacea) from Australia and the early evolution of baleen whales. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B-Biological Sciences 273(1604): 2955-2963. Nousek, A.E. et al. (2006): The influence of social affiliation on individual vocal signatures of northern resident killer whales (Orcinus orca). Biology Letters 2(4): 481-484. Williams, R. and D. Lusseau (2006): A killer whale social network is vulnerable to targeted removals. Biology Letters 2(4): 497-500. Halsey, L.G., T.M. Blackburn, and P.J. Butler (2006): A comparative analysis of the diving behaviour of birds and mammals. Functional Ecology 20(5): 889-899. Mortola, J.P. and M.-J. Limoges (2006): Resting breathing frequency in aquatic mammals: A comparative analysis with terrestrial species. Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology 154(3): 500-514. Ray, G.C. (2006): Book Reviews. Future Course for Marine Mammal Conservation Research? Conservation Biology 20(6): 1823-1825. PINNIPEDIA Campagna, C. et al. (2006): Southern elephant seal trajectories, fronts and eddies in the Brazil/Malvinas Confluence. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 53(12): 1907-1924. Genty, E. and J.-J. Roeder (2006): Self-control: why should sea lions, Zalophus californianus, perform better than primates? Animal Behaviour 72(6): 1241-1247. Kastelein, R.A. et al. (2006): Deterring effects of 8-45kHz tone pulses on harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) in a large pool. Marine Environmental Research 62(5): 356-373. Sharp, J.A. et al. (2006): Species-specific cell-matrix interactions are essential for differentiation of alveoli like structures and milk gene expression in primary mammary cells of the Cape fur seal (Arctocephalus pusillus pusillus). Matrix Biology 25(7): 430-442. Van Parijs, S.M. and C.W. Clark (2006): Long-term mating tactics in an aquatic-mating pinniped, the bearded seal, Erignathus barbatus. Animal Behaviour 72(6): 1269-1277. Pozio, E. and K.D. Murrell (2006): Systematics and epidemiology of trichinella. Advances in Parasitology 63(): 367-439. OTHER MARINE MAMMALS -- --> jan.herrmann -at - _______________________________________________ MARMAM mailing list