Dear Colleagues,
  As you are no doubt aware, whaling continues despite the 1986 Moratorium and 
the 1993 Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary.
  ·        Past serial depletion of whales stocks worldwide demonstrates that 
hunting long-lived, slow-growing mammals is fundamentally unsustainable – 
particularly when there are profits to be made!
  ·        Past illegal whaling and massive under-reporting of catches clearly 
show whalers were more interested in short-term profits than long-term 
  ·        Current practices (whaling nations ignoring IWC rulings and using 
loopholes to circumvent rulings) show nothing has changed!
  ·        Whaling is expanding! Japan has announced plans to kill up to 1,500 
whales annually from 2007, including species classified as vulnerable and 
endangered on the IUCN redlist!
  C. George Muller is a marine biologist and prize-winning novelist who has 
decided to speak out against whaling, combining these facets in a revealing new 
  Echoes in the Blue is centred on the real-life conflict surrounding Japan’s 
controversial pelagic whaling and dolphin drive kills, with the facts presented 
in an exciting and fast-paced “eco-thriller” novel in a bid to raise wider 
public awareness and support for the anti-whaling cause.
  * A portion of the proceeds from every book sold will be donated towards 
‘Save the Whale’ causes.
  Praise for Echoes in the Blue:
 “…Very well researched including some extremely insightful observations about 
the nature of international politicking in the ongoing fight to protect whales.”
Scientific Advisor to New Zealand IWC Commissioner
  “Finally, a book that incorporates real–life concerns with edge of your seat 
Marine Mammal Research Scientist
  For more information, or free download of the Prologue please visit the 
author’s website: 
  “As a scientist, I can’t see how any species should have the right to 
deliberately drive another to the point of extinction – particularly in the 
name of science!
  Please help support this campaign to end the sham of ‘scientific’ whaling, 
which is a threat to the integrity of legitimate science worldwide.”
  Register your support and sign the Anti-Whaling petition at:
  Please forward this on to anyone you think may be interested…
  C. George Muller

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