apologies for repeated postings

Marine Section Call for Nominations

Membership on the Board of Directors, Marine Section, Society for 
Conservation Biology:

The Board of Directors of the Marine Section, Society for Conservation 
Biology (SCB), seeks nominations for five Board positions in two 

Category 1:  These three positions are new positions based on by-law 
changes approved by Section members and will be filled as soon as the 
election process is complete.  Persons elected will become voting Board 
members immediately upon election.  The terms of service for these two 
positions will expire 31 December 2010.

Category 2:  Two additional positions will become vacant on 31 December 
2007.  Individuals elected to the two latter positions will serve from 1 
January 2008 until 31 December 2010.  Persons elected will be welcomed 
to serve as ex officio Board members prior to 1 January 2008, but will 
not become voting Board members until 1 January 2008.

Self-nominations are welcomed.  Nominations are due by 12 April 2007. 

When submitting nominations, PLEASE SPECIFY FOR WHICH CATEGORY OF 
held in April/May 2007.

The Board enthusiastically encourages nomination of highly motivated 
energetic individuals with a strong interest in building the Marine 
Section as a strong component of SCB.  We are also planning a Marine 
Section meeting in Washington DC in early 2009 and welcome your 
contribution to that major event.  We are particularly interested in 
nomination of candidates who will contribute to the geographic, ethnic, 
and gender diversity of the Board.  With regard to geography, we are 
particularly interested in the nomination of qualified candidates that 
reside outside of North America.

Please check out our webpage at: http://www.conbio.org/Sections/Marine/ 

Nominees must be current SCB members in good standing.  Nominations 
should be accompanied by a brief statement of interest with regard to 
service on the Board (250 words maximum).  The statements of interest 
will appear on the election ballot.  Nominations should not be offered 
without the prior consent of the nominee.  Nominations and supporting 
statements should be sent by email to Ellen Hines at [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

The current Board of Directors is as follows: 

President:  Ellen Hines, San Francisco State University, San Francisco, 
California, USA.  Term of service expires 31 December 2007. 

Member:  John Cigliano, Cedar Crest College, Allentown, Pennsylvania, 
USA.  Term of service expires 31 December 2007.
Member:  Phaedra Dukakis, Pew Institute for Ocean Science. Term of 
service expires 31 December 2008.
Member: Amber Himes, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, San Diego, 
California, USA. Term of service expires 31 December 2008.
Member: Anne Salomon, Marine Science Institute, University of California 
– Santa Barbara, USA. Term of service expires 31 December 2009.
Member: Chris Parsons, George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia, USA. 
Term of service expires 31 December 2009.

Thanks to all for your participation and interest in the SCB Marine 

Yours sincerely

Ellen Hines
Marine Section President

Ellen Hines, PhD
Visiting Professor
Moss Landing Marine Labs
Moss Landing, CA
(831) 771-4441
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