The California Academy of Sciences has a sizeable collection of over 2400
reel-to-reel audio tapes made by Thomas C. Poulter between 1965-1974. We
would like to donate this collection to an institution that will be
interested in using and caring for these tapes.


Poulter was a productive acoustic biologist who worked primarily on marine
animal acoustic communication, although he also worked in terrestrial
environments and on some non-animal sounds.  Our collection comprises
duplicate tapes that Poulter produced as safety backups.  Originals are
currently housed at the Cornell Laboratory of Natural Sounds in Ithaca, NY.


These tapes were originally accessioned in 1975 to the Department of Birds
and Mammals at the California Academy of Sciences. The collection is in good
condition, although they are recorded on aging magnetic media that will not
last forever.  The tapes are already old enough to require specialized
equipment and special handling to play or backup, and only experienced sound
labs should consider taking and curating these tapes.


If you are interested in accessioning this collection, or for more
information, please email me at the address below.




Jack Dumbacher


John P. Dumbacher (Jack)

Curator and Department Chair

Department of Ornithology and Mammalogy

California Academy of Sciences

875 Howard Street

San Francisco, CA 94103 USA

Phone: 415 321-8369

Fax: 415 321-8637






Kathleen Berge, Senior Secretary



Ornithology & Mammalogy


Phone 415 321 8369 

FAX 415 321 8637


California Academy of Sciences

875 Howard Street

San Francisco, CA  94103


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