Dear all,

On behalf of our Editorial Board, it is my pleasure to announce that issue
6-1 of the Latin American Journal of Aquatic Mammals (LAJAM) is now
available. This issue includes the following articles:




A preliminary overview of skin and skeletal diseases and traumata in small
cetaceans from South American
................................................ 7-42

Marie-Françoise Van Bressem, Koen Van Waerebeek, Julio C. Reyes, Fernando
Félix, Mónica Echegaray, Salvatore Siciliano, Ana Paula Di Beneditto,
Leonardo Flach, Francisco Viddi, Isabel Cristina Avila, Julio César Herrera,
Isabel Cristina Tobón, Jaime Bolaños-Jiménez, Ignacio B. Moreno, Paulo H.
Ott, Gian Paolo Sanino, Elena Castineira, David Montes, Enrique Crespo,
Paulo A.C. Flores, Ben Haase, Sheila M. F. Mendonça de Souza, Maíra Laeta
and Ana Bernadete Fragoso

Corresponding author: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Vessel collisions with small cetaceans worldwide and with large whales in
the Southern

Hemisphere, an initial assessment
............. 43-69

Koen Van Waerebeek, Alan N. Baker, Fernando Félix, Jason Gedamke, Miguel
Iñiguez, Gian Paolo Sanino, Eduardo Secchi, Dipani Sutaria, Anton van Helden
and Yamin Wang

Corresponding author: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Ecological aspects of marine tucuxi dolphins (Sotalia guianensis) based on
group size and composition in the Cananéia estuary, southeastern Brazil
………….................................... 71-82

Marcos César de Oliveira Santos and Sergio Rosso

Corresponding author: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 


Mass stranding of Baird’s beaked whales at San Jose Island, Gulf of
California, Mexico ....83-88

Jorge Urbán R., Gustavo Cárdenas-Hinojosa, Alejandro Gómez-Gallardo U.,
Úrsula González-Peral, Wezddy del Toro-Orozco and Robert L. Brownell Jr.

Corresponding author: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Site fidelity and behaviour of killer whales (Orcinus orca) at Sea Lion
Island in the Southwest

....................................................... 89-95

Oliver Yates, Andrew D. Black and Paola Palavecino

Corresponding author: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Movement of a humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) between the
Revillagigedo and

Hawaiian Archipelagos within a winter breeding season

Paul H. Forestell and Jorge Urbán R.

Corresponding author: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Straggler subantarctic fur seals (Arctocephalus tropicalis) on the coast of
Rio de Janeiro state,

...................................................... 103-116

Jailson Fulgencio de Moura and Salvatore Siciliano

Corresponding author: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Has the manatee (Trichechus manatus) disappeared from the northern coast of
the State of

Veracruz, Mexico?

Arturo Serrano, Alexander García-Jiménez and Carlos González-Gándara

Corresponding author: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Isolation of Giardia sp. from an estuarine dolphin (Sotalia guianensis) in
Ceará state, northeastern Brazil

Bianca de Luca Altieri, Daniel de Araujo Viana and Ana Carolina Oliveira de

Corresponding author: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Unusual record of franciscana dolphins (Pontoporia blainvillei) in inner
waters of the Cananéia

estuary, southeastern Brazil

Marcos César de Oliveira Santos, Eduardo dos Santos Pacífico and Michele
Fernandes Gonçalves

Corresponding author: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Any further information can be obtained from the editors
([EMAIL PROTECTED]). LAJAM is distributed to members of the South
American Society of Experts on Aquatic Mammals (
<> ) and the Mexican Society for the Study of Marine
Mammals (www. North American subscriptions for non-members of
SOLAMAC or SOMEMMA can be facilitated by contacting Nélio Barros
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) at P.O. Box 36, Tillamook, OR 97141-0036 USA.

Best regards,

Nélio Barros
Editor-in-Chief, LAJAM

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