Dear all,

here are some new publications of week 27/ 2008,
which haven't been announced on MARMAM earlier AFAIK.

By clicking the following link you are guided to a website, where the 
following references are linked to their according journal homepages. 
There you can find abstracts and contact information. Furthermore 
there will be links to the articles of the latest issue of Aquatic 
Mammals :

Please do not contact MARMAM, the MARMAM editors or me for reprints. Thank you.

Thanks to all of you who sent in reprints to be included in the 
weekly announcements.

Kindest Regards,
Jan Herrmann


Branstetter, B.K. and J.J. Finneran (2008):
Comodulation masking release in bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus).
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 124(1): 625-633.

Gibson, Q.A. and J. Mann (2008):
The size, composition and function of wild bottlenose dolphin 
(Tursiops sp.) mother-calf groups in Shark Bay, Australia.
Animal Behaviour 76(2): 389-405.

Gibson, Q.A. and J. Mann (2008):
Early social development in wild bottlenose dolphins: sex 
differences, individual variation and maternal influence.
Animal Behaviour 76(2): 375-387.

Kastelein, R.A. and M. Verlaan (2008):
Number and duration of echolocation click trains produced by a harbor 
porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) in relation to target and performance.
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 124(1): 40-43.

Muller, M.W. et al. (2008):
Time-frequency analysis and modeling of the backscatter of 
categorized dolphin echolocation clicks for target discrimination.
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 124(1): 657-666.

Soldevilla, M.S. et al. (2008):
Classification of Risso's and Pacific white-sided dolphins using 
spectral properties of echolocation clicks.
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 124(1): 609-624.

Supin, A.Y., P.E. Nachtigall, and M. Breese (2008):
Forward masking as a mechanism of automatic gain control in 
odontocete biosonar: A psychophysical study.
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 124(1): 648-656.


Hasselmeier, I. et al. (2008):
Differential Hematology Profiles of Free-Ranging, Rehabilitated, and 
Captive Harbor Seals (Phoca vitulina) of the German North Sea.
Aquatic Mammals 34(2): 149-156.

Houser, D.S., D.E. Crocker, and J.J. Finneran (2008):
Click-evoked potentials in a large marine mammal, the adult male 
northern elephant seal (Mirounga angustirostris).
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 124(1): 44-47.

Nielsen, O. et al. (2008):
Use of a slam transfected vero cell line to isolate and characterize 
marine mammal morbilliviruses using an experimental ferret model.
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 44(3): 600-611.


Keller, M. et al. (2008):
Nephrolithiasis and Pyelonephritis in Two West Indian Manatees 
(Trichechus manatus spp.).
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 44(3): 707-711.

--> jan.herrmann -at -
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