sorry for any cross-postings

The call for proposals for oral presentations, speed
  presentations, and posters for the International Marine Conservation
  Congress (incorporating IMPAC2) is open until 15 October 2008.
  Details for submission can be found at the conference website,


  The Marine Section of the Society for Conservation Biology will be
  hosting its first stand-alone meeting, the International Marine
  Conservation Congress (IMCC), from 20-24 May 2009 at George Mason
  University near Washington D.C. This will be an interdisciplinary
  meeting that will engage natural and social scientists, managers,
  policy-makers, and the public. The goal of the IMCC is to put
  conservation science into practice through public and media outreach
  and the development concrete products (e.g., policy briefs, blue ribbon
  position papers) that will be used to drive policy change and
  implementation. This meeting will encompass the 2nd International
  Marine  Protected Areas Congress (IMPAC1 was held in Geelong, 
Australia       in October 2005).  The IMPAC2 component will consist of 
an organized
  cross cutting issue within the IMCC addressing MPAs though the full 
range of posters, papers, workshops and symposia.

  IMCC encourages authors to submit papers that apply to the major
  Themes and tracks below, describing original work, including methods,
  techniques, applications, tools, issues, reporting research results
  and/or indicating future directions.

  Major themes that will be addressed include:

         -Global Climate Change*,
         -the Land-Sea Interface*,
         -Ecosystem-based Management, and
         -Poverty and Globalization*

  Cross-cutting issues encompass topics of global relevance and
  importance  to marine conservation that relate to the major themes:

       -Marine Protected Areas
       -Education, Outreach and Capacity Building*
       -Governance Arrangements*
       -Fisheries and Aquaculture*

*We are particularly interested in submissions in these themes.

  We anticipate that cross-cut issues will result in proposals on a
  variety of sub-topics.

Individuals are limited to being the primary presenter for only one
oral, speed, or poster presentation. If your name appears on more than
one abstract, make sure you are listed as the presenter for only one
of  them.

  ORAL PRESENTATIONS will be limited to 15 minutes: 12 minutes for
  presentation and 3 minutes for questions.  Contributed oral
  presentations will be grouped by theme and topic.

  Poster presenters will receive general instructions on poster format
  In the email notification of acceptance. Posters will be displayed
  prominently and for the entire meeting; special sessions dedicated to
  posters will allow in-depth discussion between authors and attendees.

  If your paper topic would be of interest to a wide range of people and
  you would like your presentation to lead to an extended conversation
  with colleagues who are specifically interested in your work, you may
  wish to submit an abstract for a speed presentation. In the first hour
  of a speed presentation session, 15 speakers will be given four (4)
  minutes each to present their key ideas and results. In the second
  hour, presenters will station themselves at separate tables where they 
   can interact with people who are interested in learning more about their
*We strongly encourage submissions for speed presentations!


  Dr. Daniel Pauly, Dr. Ratana Chuenpagdee, Dr. Rod Fujita, Dorothy
  Childers and Alexandra Cousteau.

  Dr. Callum Roberts will be giving the Dr. Ransom A. Myers Memorial
  Lecture at the evening banquet on May 24th.


  Please go to


  1st Call for oral presentations, speed presentations, and posters:

  1 September - 15 October 2008, decisions by 30 November 2008

  2nd Call for 1500 word submissions (for submissions accepted at the
  first call only):

  1 December 2008 - 15 January 2009, decisions by 1 February 2009

  Early bird registration:

  15 November 2008 – 15 February 2009


  We encourage proposals from individuals or groups involved in cutting
  edge conservation science or practice who can demonstrate an alignment
  with the goals of the Society for Conservation Biology and the SCB
  Marine Section, which are:

  * Conservation Science: The scientific research and knowledge
     needed to understand and conserve biological diversity is   identified,
     funded, completed, disseminated and applied to research, management
     and  policy.
  * Conservation Management: Conservation practitioners and
     managers  are provided the scientific information and 
recommendations needed to
     conserve biological diversity at all scales.
* Policy: Policy decisions of major international conventions,
     governments, organizations, and foundations, are effectively 
informed and improved by the highest quality scientific counsel, 
analysis,and recommendations so as to advance the conservation of 
biological diversity.
  * Education: Education, training, and capacity building programs
     are identified, strengthened, and developed to inform the public,
     education leaders, and support current and future generations of
     conservation scientists and practitioners.

To increase the probability that your abstract will be
  accepted, and in your preferred format, please consider the following
  criteria carefully:

      1. scientific merit
      2. application to marine conservation/management
      3. relevance to chosen theme/cross-cutting issue(s)
      4. relevance to IMCC theme (“From science to management and
      5. clarity of presentation (e.g. abstract begins with a clear
          statement of an issue and ends with a substantive conclusion)

         Please note:  We do require that all presenters register for
         the IMCC by the end of early bird registration: 15 February 2009


  To encourage international and student participation, we will offer
  the  opportunity to apply for grants to offset travel and other expenses.
  Please go to the following website:


  To encourage participation of members whose first language is not
  English, we will offer a mentoring service for participants who wish
  to  submit abstracts for oral, speed or poster presentations.
  If you want to take advantage of this mentoring program, simply submit
  an abstract according to the standard guidelines; indicate that
English  is not your first language, and that you would like your 
abstract to
  be mentored.
  Instructions will be sent to your email address after you submit your
  abstract online.  A mentor will contact you and provide guidance on 
grammar and clarity
  of  writing. The mentor also will ensure that the abstract meets the
  technical criteria for submission. Note that it is NOT the role of the
  mentor to provide scientific guidance, or to write the abstract.


  Please email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Ellen Hines, PhD
  Chair, Scientific Program, IMCC
  Associate Professor
  Department of Geography and Human Environmental Studies
  San Francisco State University
  1600 Holloway Ave
  San Francisco, CA  94132
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