Dear Colleagues,

I would like to bring your attention to the following paper that was recently 
published in Ecological Applications. In particular, I believe this paper will 
be of interest to those who are working on predictive habitat models of marine 
mammals. The article may be downloaded from 
ftp://ecap-18-06-07_07-1455_rfp:[EMAIL PROTECTED] or by request to me.

Leigh Torres

Torres, L., Read, A., and Halpin, P. 2008. Fine-scale habitat modeling of a top 
marine predator: Do prey data improve predictive capacity? Ecological 
Applications. 18(7), 1702-1717.


Predators and prey assort themselves relative to each other, the availability 
of resources and refuges, and the temporal and spatial scale of their 
interaction. Predictive models of predator distributions often rely on these 
relationships by incorporating data on environmental variability and prey 
availability to determine predator habitat selection patterns. This approach to 
predictive modeling holds true in marine systems where observations of 
predators are logistically difficult, emphasizing the need for accurate models. 
In this paper, we ask whether including prey distribution data in fine-scale 
predictive models of bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) habitat selection 
in Florida Bay, Florida, USA, improves predictive capacity. Environmental 
characteristics are often used as predictor variables in habitat models of top 
marine predators with the assumption that they act as proxies of prey 
distribution. We examine the validity of this assumption by
 comparing the response of dolphin distribution and fish catch rates to the 
same environmental variables. Next, the predictive capacities of four models, 
with and without prey distribution data, are tested to determine whether 
dolphin habitat selection can be predicted without recourse to describing the 
distribution of their prey. The final analysis determines the accuracy of 
predictive maps of dolphin distribution produced by modeling areas of high fish 
catch based on significant environmental characteristics. We use spatial 
analysis and independent data sets to train and test the models. Our results 
indicate that, due to high habitat heterogeneity and the spatial variability of 
prey patches, fine-scale models of dolphin habitat selection in coastal 
habitats will be more successful if environmental variables are used as 
predictor variables of predator distributions rather than relying on prey data 
as explanatory variables. However, predictive modeling
 of prey distribution as the response variable based on environmental 
variability did produce high predictive performance of dolphin habitat 
selection, particularly foraging habitat.

Leigh G. Torres
Post-doctoral researcher
National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA)
301 Evans Bay Parade, Greta Point, 
Kilbirnie, Wellington, New Zealand. 

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