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Under the EU Habitats & Species Directive, three Special Areas of Conservation have been established in the UK with bottlenose dolphins principally in mind. Two of these occur in Cardigan Bay, West Wales - "Pen Llyn a'r Sarnau SAC" in the north of the Bay and "Cardigan Bay SAC" in the south. To assist with the conservation management of the bottlenose dolphin population in the region, monitoring of abundance, distribution, reproductive success and population structure using a combination of surveys and photo-identification studies have been undertaken by Sea Watch in recent years. The main tasks of this post of Cardigan Bay Monitoring Officer will be:

… To record, document, statistically analyse, and report indicators of the condition of bottlenose dolphins in both the Cardigan Bay and Pen Llyn a'r Sarnau SACs; … To collect images and refer to those from established catalogues, at sites within and outside the key study areas, using photographic ID techniques, to evaluate dolphin movements, abundance estimates and distribution; … To monitor the number of bottlenose dolphins using the sites, and to assess the supporting habitat and estimate population structure (age and sex where possible); … To gather evidence of any anthropogenic activities within the sites, while monitoring bottlenose dolphins. … To provide information on sightings and movements of known individual dolphins (particularly those named ones adopted by children) in support of the Adopt a Dolphin scheme. … To train and supervise volunteers and students in supporting the survey & monitoring.

A combination of vessel surveys and photo-ID will be used to achieve the above aims, concentrating particularly on the two SACs but extending more widely in Cardigan Bay and Welsh waters where appropriate. Although the target species is bottlenose dolphin, data on other cetacean species (particularly harbour porpoise) will be collected from the region. Besides fieldwork, the post holder will need to devote a significant portion of time to analysing data and assisting in writing up the results for publication.

We are looking for a postgraduate biologist with at least three years field-based research experience of cetaceans, preferably including bottlenose dolphins. He or she should have an ability to interact well with people of varied backgrounds, be able to train, motivate and oversee volunteers assisting in monitoring, and be capable of working in often arduous field conditions relatively independently (ideally with boat handling certification). It is essential that the candidate should have analytical skills and a good grounding in statistics. Preference may be given to candidates with a good working knowledge of DISTANCE and CAPTURE software, as well as of spatial analysis.

The post is initially for a period of six months but with potential extension beyond that subject to funding. It will be based at Sea Watch's office (Paragon House) in New Quay, Ceredigion, West Wales. Salary is £20,000 per annum, starting in April 2009.

Those interested should send a letter of application, a copy of your CV, and the e-mail contact details of two referees to Dr Evans at peter.ev...@bangor.ac.uk by 20th February 2009.


The main task of the post holder will be to facilitate public education and awareness through the regular dissemination of environmental information, and to help develop Sea Watch's research and monitoring programmes. Duties include:

… Recruitment of new observers, and feedback of information and advice to current contributors of sightings. Assistance with verifying & inputting sightings records. … Regular support & liaison with Regional Coordinators, with occasional visits to coastal regions to support local efforts to develop monitoring, information exchange, and local fund-raising. Review with regional co-ordinators the best approaches for strengthening the observer network … Co-ordination of a National Whale & Dolphin Watch event (in 2009, to be held between the 18th and 26tth July). … Maintenance of an active web site to serve as a prime medium of communication to observers, initiating regular dissemination of new information, and recruiting new observers. Regular updating with news items, recent sightings, etc. … Participation in training courses to teach regional co-ordinators and observers techniques of quantitative monitoring, species identification, and photo-ID. These may be tiered from beginners to advanced observers, so as to improve skills at different levels of experience … Distribution of training aids (identification guide, slide pack and CD/video) to observers … Assistance with preparation and editing of news sheets every two months, and writing occasional reports and other material of public/educational interest, in liaison with other staff … Preparation of news releases for the media on major stories of environmental interest, and writing articles for specialist magazines … Assistance with supervising students and other volunteers in New Quay, and supporting Monitoring Officer on some survey trips
… Participation and development of cetacean field projects as appropriate
… Attending meetings and giving public lectures on behalf of Sea Watch
… Answering correspondence & telephone queries from interested parties

We are looking for a person with a strong knowledge of UK cetaceans and marine environmental issues, as well as research experience preferably in marine mammals. He or she should have an ability to interact well with people of varied backgrounds (research scientists, government officials, conservationists, naturalists, fishermen, members of the oil and gas industry, shipping, etc). The candidate will need to be computer literate (MS Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, Photoshop, and at least basic statistical programs). Preference will be given to candidates with a good working knowledge of research analytical techniques and/or web editing..

The post has a probationary six month period but with potential extension beyond that. It will be based at Sea Watch's office (Paragon House) in New Quay, Ceredigion, West Wales. Salary is £18,000 per annum, starting in April 2009.

Those interested should send a letter of application, a copy of your CV, and the e-mail contact details of two referees to Dr Evans at peter.ev...@bangor.ac.uk by 20th February 2009.


Sea Watch Foundation is a national marine environmental charity concerned with monitoring whales and dolphins around the British Isles, and the conservation threats they face. It has a number of research projects including surveys and photo-ID studies of bottlenose dolphins and baleen whales, and also harbour porpoises in West Wales, minke whale studies of foraging ecology and population genetics in West Scotland, and spatial analytical studies of cetacean distribution and habitat preferences of cetaceans throughout the British Isles, using a variety of modelling approaches. There is also a Dolphin Adoption scheme, aimed particularly at children, focusing upon the bottlenose dolphins of Cardigan Bay. Further details can be found on its web site - www.seawatchfoundation.org.uk.

The charity has four staff based in New Quay (West Wales), North Wales and the London area, a further four-five working remotely on a contractual basis, and a large number of volunteers scattered around the coasts of the British Isles. Its Director is Dr Peter Evans based at the School of Ocean Sciences, University of Bangor.

Dr Peter G.H. Evans

Sea Watch Foundation,
Abershore, Llanfaglan,
Gwynedd, Wales LL54 5RA

Hon. Senior Lecturer
School of Ocean Sciences,
University of Bangor,
Menai Bridge,
Anglesey, Wales LL59 5AB

Tel: 01286-672071
Mobile: 0776-556-6102
E-mail: peter.ev...@bangor.ac.uk>
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