Dear All

The 2011 report of the ICES Working Group on Marine Mammal Ecology (WGMME) can 
be downloaded at

A number of Terms of Reference were addressed during this year's meeting in 
Berlin including:

a)      Review and report on any new information on population sizes, 
population/stock structure and management frameworks for marine mammals;

b)      Outline and review the effects of tidal farms (construction and 
operation) on marine mammals and provide recommendations on research needs, 
monitoring and mitigation schemes;

c)       Outline marine planning practices that could take account of the 
presence of cetaceans, and what information ICES might be able to feed into 
that process;

d)      Catalogue the Marine Protected Areas for marine mammals in the ICES 
area and evaluate the efficacy of MPAs for cetaceans;

e)      Finalize production of the Cooperative Research Report on the framework 
for surveillance and monitoring of marine mammals applicable to the ICES area;

f)       Update on development of database for seals, status of intersessional 

g)      Review the outputs of the ICES SIBAS Workshop on 'Biodiversity 
indicators for assessment and management' and report on:
What data, information and marine mammal science are you aware of that would 
contribute to biodiversity advice, with an emphasis on the trade-offs between 
fishing and conservation that are relevant to ICES client needs as described in 
the ICES SIBAS report?

The ICES Annual Science Conference 2011 will be held in Gdańsk, Poland from the 
19th to 23rd September.
For further information see

Best wishes,

Sinéad Murphy
Chair of WGMME

Dr Sinéad Murphy
Marie Curie Research Fellow

Coastal-Marine Research Group
Institute of Natural Sciences
Massey University
Private Bag 102 904
Auckland 0745
New Zealand
Phone: + 64 (0) 9 414 0800 ext. 41524
Fax: +64 (0) 9 443 9790
Courier address: Massey University, Building 5, Gate 4, Old Albany Highway, 
Albany, Auckland


Institute of Zoology
Zoological Society of London
Regent's Park
London, UK

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