The 5th International Workshop on Detection, Classification, Localization, and Density Estimation of Marine Mammals using Passive Acoustics at Timberline Lodge near Portland, Oregon, August 22-25, is quickly approaching!

Don't hesitate much longer to register and arrange your accommodations: the tourist season is nearing its peak and accommodations both at Timberline Lodge and elsewhere on Mount Hood and nearby environs are soon going to be difficult to find. The block of rooms at Timberline Lodge that were set aside for this conference have now been released to the public and are likely to disappear, fast.

Online registration will remain open through the first few days of the workshop. On-site registration will be also be available.

Don't forget there are two great tutorials offered Iimmediately preceding the workshop, on Aug. 21: Introduction to Detection, Classification, and Localization (DCL) and Introduction to Density Estimation (DE). The last day (Aug. 25) will be a session on acoustic line- and point-transect density estimation (Distance Sampling), organized by Jay Barlow.

For full details, visit

Sara Heimlich
Hatfield Marine Science Center
Newport, OR. 97365
(541) 867-0328 office
(541) 961-1737 cell

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