The Latin American Journal of Aquatic Mammals (LAJAM), the scientific journal 
of SOLAMAC (Sociedad Latinoamericana de Especialistas en Mamíferos Acuáticos) 
and SOMEMMA (Sociedad Mexicana de Mastozoología Marina), has just published its 
latest issue:

Special Volume on the Biology and Conservation of Neotropical Dolphins of the 
Genus Sotalia

It can be freely accessed at:

We invite you to review the Table of Contents here and then visit our web site 
to review articles and items of interest. Registered users can sign up to 
receive notifications and table of contents via email.

Thanks for the continuing interest in LAJAM,

Marcos Santos
Lead Guest Editor

Monica Borobia, Susana Caballero, Carlos Olavarría, and Eduardo Secchi
Guest Editors

Salvatore Siciliano
Managing Editor

Daniel M. Palacios
LAJAM, Editor-in-Chief

Vol. 8, Nos. 1-2 (2010)
Special Volume on the Biology and Conservation of Neotropical Dolphins of the 
Genus Sotalia
Table of Contents
A Tale of Two Dolphins: Introduction to the Special Volume on the Biology and 
Conservation of Neotropical Dolphins of the Genus Sotalia PDF
M. C. O. Santos,         C. Olavarría,   M. Borobia,     S. Caballero,   E. R. 
Secchi,   S. Siciliano,   D. M. Palacios 9-23
Workshop Reports
Report of the Working Group on Taxonomy and Genetics    PDF
A. M. Solé-Cava,         S. Caballero,   C. R. Bonvicino,        T. S. G. 
Correa,        I. B. Moreno,   P. A. C. Flores        25-29
Report of the Working Group on Distribution, Habitat Characteristics and 
Preferences, and Group Size    PDF
V. M. F. da Silva,       D. Fettuccia,   E. S. Rodrigues,        H. Edwards,    
 I. B. Moreno,   J. F. Moura,    L. L. Wedekin,  M. Bazzalo,     N. R. 
Emin-Lima, N. A. S. Carmo,        S. Siciliano,   V. Utreras B.  31-38
Report of the Working Group on Population Abundance and Density Estimation      
M. C. O. Santos,         M. J. Cremer,   E. R. Secchi,   L. Flach,       G. 
Filla,       A. Hubner,      S. Dussán-Duque        39-45
Report of the Working Group on Major Threats and Conservation   PDF
E. A. Crespo,    D. Alarcón,     M. Alonso,      M. Bazzalo,     M. Borobia,    
 M. Cremer, G. Filla,    L. Lodi,        F. A. Magalhães,        J. Marigo,     
 H. L. Queiróz, J. E. Reynolds, III,     Y. Schaeffer,   P. R. Dorneles,        
 J. Lailson-Brito,       D. L. Wetzel   47-56
Natural history of dolphins of the genus Sotalia        PDF
F. C. W. Rosas,  J. Marigo,      M. Laeta,       M. R. Rossi-Santos     57-68
Mitochondrial DNA diversity, differentiation and phylogeography of the South 
American riverine and coastal dolphins Sotalia fluviatilis andSotalia 
guianensis.  PDF
S. Caballero,    F. Trujillo,    J. A. Vianna,   H. Barrios-Garrido,     M. G. 
Montiel,  S Beltrán-Pedreros,     M. Marmontel,   M. C. O. Santos,        M. R. 
Rossi-Santos,     F. R. Santos,   C. S. Baker    69-79
Initial description of Major Histocompatibility Complex variation at two Class 
II loci (DQA-DQB) in Sotalia fluviatilis and Sotalia guianensis  PDF
S. Caballero,    D. Heimeier,    F. Trujillo,    J. A. Vianna,   H. 
Barrios-Garrido,     M. G. Montiel,  S. Beltrán-Pedreros,    M. Marmontel,   M. 
C. O. Santos,        M. R. Rossi-Santos,     F. R. Santos,   C. S. Baker    
Records of Guiana dolphin, Sotalia guianensis, in the State of Ceará, 
Northeastern Brazil       PDF
A. C. O. Meirelles,      A. C. Ribeiro,  C. P. N. Silva,         A. A. 
Soares-Filho     97-102
Ecology and conservation status of tucuxi (Sotalia fluviatilis) in the 
Pacaya-Samiria Reserve, Peru     PDF
T. L. McGuire   103-110
Habitat use of the Guiana dolphin, Sotalia guianensis (Cetacea, Delphinidae), 
in the Caravelas River Estuary, eastern Brazil    PDF
M. R. Rossi-Santos,      L. L. Wedekin,  E. L. A. Monteiro-Filho        111-116
Residence patterns of the Guiana dolphin Sotalia guianensis in Babitonga bay, 
south coast of Brazil     PDF
F. A. S. Hardt,  M. J. Cremer,   A. J. Tonello, Jr.,     P. C. A. Simões-Lopes  
Occurrence of chlorinated pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in 
Guiana dolphins (Sotalia guianensis) from Ubatuba and Baixada Santista, São 
Paulo, Brazil  PDF
M. B. Alonso,    J. Marigo,      C. P. Bertozzi,         M. C. O. Santos,       
 S. Taniguchi,   R. C. Montone  123-130
Sounds produced by the tucuxi (Sotalia fluviatilis) from the Napo and Aguarico 
rivers of Ecuador        PDF
L. J. May-Collado,       D. Wartzok     131-136
Morphology of the Guiana dolphin (Sotalia guianensis) off southeastern Brazil: 
growth and geographic variation  PDF
R. M. A. Ramos,  A. P. M. Di Beneditto,  S. Siciliano,   M. C. O. Santos,       
 A. N. Zerbini,  A. F. C. Vicente,       E. Zampirolli,  F. S. Alvarenga,       
 A. B. Fragoso,  J. Lailson-Brito, Jr.,  A. F. Azevedo,  L. Barbosa,     N. R. 
W. Lima  137-149
Cervical ribs and cleft arches in Brazilian Sotalia guianensis: contribution to 
comparative studies of skeletal morphology in northern and southeastern 
specimens       PDF
M. Laeta,        S. M. F. M. Souza,      S. Siciliano   151-165
Note on the group size and behavior of Guiana dolphins (Sotalia guianensis) 
(Cetacea: Delphinidae) in Marapanim Bay, Pará, Brazil       PDF
R. Emin-Lima,    L. N. Moura,    A. L. F. Rodrigues,     M. L. Silva    167-170
Update on the freshwater distribution of Sotalia in Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, 
Venezuela and Suriname     PDF
C. Gómez-Salazar,        M. Portocarrero-Aya,    F. Trujillo,    S. Caballero, 
J. Bolaños-Jiménez,       V. Utreras,     T. Mcguire,     A. Ferrer-Pérez,      
  M. Pool,        E. Aliaga-Rossel       171-178
Proposed English common name for the neotropical delphinid Sotalia guianensis 
(P.-J. Van Beneden, 1864) PDF
P. A. C. Flores,         M. Bazzalo,     S. Caballero,   M. C. O. Santos,       
 M. R. Rossi-Santos,     F. Trujillo,    J. Bolaños-Jimenez,     M. J. Cremer,  
 L. J. May-Collado, F. J. L. Silva,      M. G. Montiel-Villalobos,       A. F. 
Azevedo, A. C. O. Meirelles,      L. Flach,       H. Barrios-Garrido,     P. C. 
Simões-Lopes,     H. A. Cunha,    K. Van Waerebeek       179-181
A new skin biopsy system for use with small cetaceans   PDF
H. A. Cunha,     A. F. Azevedo,  J. Lailson-Brito, Jr.  183-186
The triumph of the commons: Working towards the conservation of Guiana dolphins 
(Sotalia guianensis) in the Cananéia estuary, Brazil    PDF
M. C. O. Santos,         M. B. Campolim,         I. S. Parada,   P. Dunker,     
 E. Silva       187-190
In Memoriam
Nélio Baptista Barros (1960-2010) – a pioneer at home and abroad        PDF
M. Borobia,      D. M. Palacios,         R. S. Wells,    M. K. Stolen,   E. R. 
Secchi   191-192

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