Dear MARMAM colleagues

The Scottish Government is currently going through a lengthy scientific process 
to designate a coherent network of marine protected areas (MPAs) in Scotland's 
waters, from 0 - 200 nm. The Whale & Dolphin Conservation Society (WDCS) 
welcomes this process and has been working hard to collate and contribute 
existing scientific data on cetacean critical habitat to feed into the process. 
You can find out more about the developing Scottish MPA network at this 
Minke whales, Risso's dolphins and white-beaked dolphins have been determined 
as nationally important species that could benefit from MPAs and as a result 
selected by the government as key species to drive the MPA process forward. 
Until this week we were hopeful that these cetacean species would be an 
important driving component of the network, and that other species such as 
bottlenose dolphins and harbour porpoises would later benefit from site 
designation. However, the Scottish Government is now suggesting that cetaceans 
might not be included in the network at the current time, or could be dropped 
from the MPA network all together.

The decision to exclude cetaceans from the Scottish MPA network has not yet 
been made, so it's not too late to influence this. But the decision will be 
made in coming weeks, so your help could make a difference as to whether 
cetaceans are included in the MPA network here.

We therefore ask if you would please sign on to the following statement (we 
only need your name, affiliation and country):

"The following scientists and MPA practitioners, managers and experts believe 
that MPAs can be an effective tool for cetacean conservation and wholly support 
the timely inclusion of cetaceans and cetacean habitat in the Scottish MPA 
network by the end of 2012."
[please give] Name                         Affiliation                          

Please email me these details if you would like to be added to the list that 
will be presented to the Scottish Government.

Thank you for your urgent consideration!

All the best,

Sarah Dolman
WDCS Head of Policy for Scotland<>


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