Dear colleagues,

Following information received from the National Cetacean Stranding Network in Greece, on the 8th of May personnel of the Ionian Dolphin Project had the chance to examine a stranded dead calf of bottlenose dolphin in the Amvrakikos Gulf, western Greece. The dolphin, a female of 130 cm of length presented a malformation of its fluke.

More information on the event and the context in which it took place can be obtained by reading the following post in the project's blog:

Four pictures providing detail on the characteristics of this malformation (mutation?) can be viewed in our Gallery:

We would be grateful to those of you who could facilitate relevant information gathered while coming across a similar observation in bottlenose dolphins or any other cetacean species. We are also interested in papers and/or reports dealing with cetacean malformations and mutations that might shed some light on this matter.

Thanks a lot in advance for your valuable collaboration. Please, report any comment, observation or literature to Joan Gonzalvo at


Joan Gonzalvo (*) and Alexandros Frantzis (**)
* Tethys Research Institute
**Pelagos Cetacean Research Institute

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