Dear Colleagues,


In the next few months, Tarifa
(Cádiz, Spain) will host a new interpretation centre for cetaceans of the
Strait of Gibraltar. This centre has been created as a joint initiative from
the GDR (Rural Development Group) de Los Alcornocales and GDR de La Janda, the
NGO CIRCE (Conservation, Information and Research on Cetaceans) and whale
watching operators based in Tarifa. 

The three main objectives are:

 (1) to provide the local population and the
tourists with a high quality minimum mandatory educational package about
cetacean species and conservation status of the marine environment in the
Strait of Gibraltar before they go onboard any of the whale watching excursions
in Tarifa. 

Then (2) to offer to anyone who is
interested in knowing more about the biodiversity of the Strait of Gibraltar
extensive up-to-date information about all the species in the area etc. 

Finally (3) to offer an alternative
to whale watching trips during windy days in summer or during the whole winter
when the activity is stopped.


On behalf of CIRCE and all our
partners, I am kindly requesting
underwater high quality pictures of the seven species of cetaceans that can
commonly seen in the Strait of Gibraltar, namely Fin whale (Balaenoptera
physalus), Sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus), Killer whale or orca (Orcinus
orca), Long-finned pilot whale (Globicephala melas), Bottlenose dolphin
(Tursiops truncatus), short-beaked common dolphin (Delphinus delphis) and
striped dolphin (Stenella coeruleoalba). 

The pictures can be taken in other
places, as far as they match these species. The pictures will be given freely
by the author to the interpretation centre and be used only for this educational
purpose, however all author information will be shown on the picture, including
its name, email contact, website etc. or anything that she/he would like to
appear near the picture (including QR code that links to the author website…).

The pictures should be sent to me at low/medium resolution as soon as
possible and in any case before August, 10th , with all the needed information
regarding the authorship (name and contact details) and the picture (Species,
place it was taken, date, full size of the image in pixels and in Mo…). 

Then, a selection of the best
pictures will be done based on the educational (showing species features,
interesting behaviour…) and artistic characteristics. The selected authors will
then be informed and asked to send the high resolution pictures.


Thank you in advance to everyone who
wants to help us raise the awareness about the marine environment. Please do
not hesitate to contact me for any information.


All the best



CIRCE (España/Spain)
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