Dear fellow bioacoustics’ researcher,


            The XXIV International
Bioacoustical Congress (IBAC) will be held at Pousada dos Pirineus Resort, 
Goiás, Brazil between September 8th -13th 2013. We hope
you all enjoy the location. We now have a Scientific committee and a homepage 
you may find further information about the meeting ( 

            At this moment we are
opening calls for symposia. We would like to invite you to make proposals! So,
please turn your recorders off, quit your sound analysis software, and start
writing! The deadline is November 15th 2012. 

Each symposium will consist of 4-6 oral
presentations. Additionally, the organizer will have five minutes to open the
Symposia and another five minutes to make his final considerations.


Guidelines for symposium

Please provide a title; name, email, and
affiliation of the organizer. The body of the text should contain a description
of the importance and objectives of the symposium, but also explain how it
would contribute to the congress and why would it be of interest to IBAC
attendees. The text should have up to 500 words. Upon approval, the Organizing
Committee will request a brief synthesis of the proposal with up to 50 words.
The text should be sent to
with the subject Symposium proposal.

            The Scientific
Committee will decide on the proposals acceptance based on the theme’s
relevance, but other factors such as congress symposia diversity may be
considered. Please, be aware that IBAC Organizing Committee may not provide
financial support for Symposium organizers.


We sure hope to meet you all in Brazil! 

With our best wishes,

IBAC-2013 Organizing Committee

Organizing Committee


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