Greeting All, 
I am a member of a consortium that is studying population size and structure of 
Tursiops truncatus along the east coast of Florida.  My task is to determine 
the optimal way to record and measure variable survey effort for a huge study 
area (600+ km by 40+ km).  Here is what I know so far:
1.      Designate strip transects and only record it if the transect was 
complete.  This way you know the exact water covered and how often—problem 
“loose” data from incomplete survey days.
2.      Divide a survey area into 1 km zones and record each zone completely 
covered during each survey.  Then the measure of effort would be how many times 
that zone was covered—problem cumbersome when the survey area is huge (600 km 
by 20 km or so)
3.      Use a GPS to record a trackline and enter it into a DB….that’s all I 
know about this method since I’m behind in the technological times and would 
like to know more about this technique!
Any advice, comments, opinions, or alternative methods would be GREATLY 
appreciated.  I will compile a summary of your responses and post it to the 
list so that others my benefit from this query.
Thank you in advance for your help, 

Marthajane Caldwell, Ph.D., 
Marine Mammal Behavioral Ecology Studies, Inc.
8429 Cresthill Avenue
Savannah, GA 31406 
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