Dear Marmamers,

I am providing an updated list of countries/territories where southern
right whales Eubalaena australis have been seen in recent decades for
an IUCN review. The list includes countries/territories where the
species is a vagrant. If anyone has confirmed sightings of the species
in Angola, Reunion, or Crozet Islands, or any other area that I have
missed from the list below, can you please email me at Thank you!

Here is the list of countries/territories I have compiled to date
(reference in parentheses):

Argentina (Payne 1986; Rowntree et al 2001)
Auckland and Campbell Islands (Patenaude et al 1998)
Australia (Bannister 2001; Burnell 2001; Kemper et al 1993)
Brazil (Groch et al 2005)
Chile (IWC 2007; Vernazzani et al 2011)
Falkland Islands/Malvinas (Moore et al 1999)
Gabon (Weir et al 2010)
Gough Island (Best et al 1993)
Kerguelen Islands (Acevedo-Guitierrez et al 1997)
Madagascar (Rosenbaum et al 2001)
Mauritius (P. Best pers comm in Rosenbaum et al 2001)
Mozambique (Banks et al 2011)
Namibia (Roux et al 2011)
New Zealand (Patenaude 2003; Carroll et al 2011)
Peru (Santillán et al 2004; Van Waerebeek et al 2008)
South Africa (Best 1982; 1990; 2000)
Tristan da Cunha (IWC 2001; Best et al 2009)
Uruguay (Costa et al 2003)

Emma Carroll PhD
Molecular Ecology and Evolution | School of Biological Sciences
University of Auckland |

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