Dear Colleagues,
I have a number of ATS radiotags that were not used in our harbour seal
tagging effort that are available.  We have 50 back-mounted radiotags (ATS
MM160B), 10 head-mounted tags (MM340B) and 12 flipper tags (Temple tags
MM420) that are available.  We won't be tagging in the near future and it
would be better to have them working in the field rather that waiting in
our lab.  We can ship them immediately for use this season.  Please contact
me for any additional information.
Best regards,

Additional information"
MM1608B - Backmount transmitter (Pulse R-30 ppm, Pulser W - 15ms, Wt. 25
gms, Battery life 420 days, Frequency 164 range)
MM340B - Headmount Transmitter (Pulse R-55 ppm, Pulser W - 20ms, Wt. 92
gms, Battery life 801 days, Frequency 164 range)
MM420 - Temple tag (Fur seal flipper tags) (Pulse R-30ppm, Pulser W - 15ms,
Wt. 23 gms, Battery life 598 days, Frequency 164 range)

Dawn Goley
Professor of Zoology
Director of the Marine Mammal Education and Research Program
Coordinator of the HSU Marine Mammal Stranding Program
Department of Biological Sciences
Humboldt State University
Arcata, California

707-826-4168 xt 1
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