Dear colleagues,

Between 2006 and 2012 I have been researching a population of bottlenose
dolphins in North Patagonia, Argentina. After years of data gathering and
analysis, I am currently finishing up my PhD at the University of Liège,
Belgium, and publishing the final results of these years of investigation.
The most important outcome of this research is that there is an increasing
concern on the conservation status of these dolphins in Argentina. It is
therefore that I have the aim to share results of my research as much as
possible, especially with the local communities in Argentina, to increase
the awareness around this population and highlight its vulnerability.

Hence with the help of two professionals of Argentina, I have written a
children’s book with the title *“Las Toninas de la Bahia, Descubriendo a
los Delfines de Patagonia Norte”*. Free translation of this title is *“The
bottlenose dolphins of the Bay,  Discovering the Dolphins of North
Patagonia”*. In this book we offer general information on cetaceans, on the
various dolphin species of North Patagonia and especially on the studied
population of bottlenose dolphins. Several pages are dedicated to the most
important research results, the possible threats this population faces
locally and suggestions on why and how to improve their conservation in
this region.

For the distribution of this book we are organizing an educational project
in Patagonia during which we will offer 3000 printed copies to the local
schools. Furthermore, I created a facebook group where a pdf version of the
book is free to download, and through which I aim to further increase the
interest of the people to learn about bottlenose dolphins and their
conservation issues, to share their experiences and to create a platform
where they are free to ask questions to each other and professionals. Up to
now the book is only available in Spanish, but the facebook group will
function both in Spanish and English as we are convinced that the use of
social networking is essential in the increasing awareness of environmental
issues (

For questions or further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind regards,


Els Vermeulen, MSc


Laboratory of Oceanology - MARE Research Centre

University of Liege, Belgium
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