Dear fellow Marmamers,

The World Cetacean Alliance is running a 'Mapping Areas of Concern for
cetaceans' interactive display at the Orca Research Trust stand at the SMM
Conference at Otago University, Dunedin next week and would welcome the
help of any volunteers keen to learn about our online mapping tool and show
other scientists how to register their concerns from around the world.

We need volunteers throughout the 5 day conference to  encourage
participation in the display and to guide them through the process of
registering their areas of concern.

We are also looking for the temporary loan of 2 or 3 laptops/computers with
wireless capability, a projector and a screen so people can sit down and
use the mapping programme live.

The purpose of the ‘Mapping Areas of Concern’ programme is to encourage as
many people as possible from scientists to members of the public to
independently highlight on a world map areas for which they have concerns
for cetaceans and marine life in general.  The ultimate goal is to gain a
comprehensive understanding of the issues and where they are and also to
identify the priorities of the different stakeholder groups involved.

If you are able to help please send an email to Roger Mann at who is coordinating this project.


Dylan Walker

*WCA Secretariat*

*Without collaboration we will achieve nothing more than a drop in the
ocean. ~ Jean-Michel Cousteau, Honorary President, WCA*



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