Dear Colleagues,

on behalf of the first author, I would like to announce a new publication.

Williams, R., Erbe, C., Ashe, E., Beerman, A., and Smith, J. (2014). Severity 
of killer whale behavioural responses to ship noise: A dose-response study. 
Marine Pollution Bulletin, 79, 254-260.

Critical habitats of at-risk populations of northeast Pacific ‘‘resident’’ 
killer whales can be heavily trafficked by large ships, with transits occurring 
on average once every hour in busy shipping lanes. We modeled behavioral 
responses of killer whales to ship transits during 35 ‘‘natural experiments’’ 
as a dose–response function of estimated received noise levels in both 
broadband and audiogram-weighted terms. Interpreting effects is contingent on a 
subjective and seemingly arbitrary decision about severity threshold indicating 
a response. Subtle responses were observed around broadband received levels of 
130 dB re 1 uPa (rms); more severe responses are hypothesized to occur at 
received levels beyond 150 dB re 1 uPa, where our study lacked data. Avoidance 
responses are expected to carry minor energetic costs in terms of increased 
energy expenditure, but future research must assess the potential for reduced 
prey acquisition, and potential population consequences, under these noise 


Rob & Christine

Rob Williams <>

Christine Erbe
Director | Centre for Marine Science & Technology
Curtin University
GPO Box U1987, Western Australia 6845
Tel | +61 8 9266 7543 
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