Are you looking for research experience with Marine Mammals?? The New
England Aquarium is recruiting individuals to participate in our most
unique internships!


Our Right Whale Field Research Intern will live and work with a
dedicated team of researchers based out of Lubec, Maine for two months
in late summer and early fall. The intern will have the opportunity to
gain hands-on field research experience on this highly-endangered
species. Please follow this link
ps/complete_list_of_internships/position_details.php?id=107>  to be
directed to the internship description. Our priority deadline for
consideration is March 15th, 2014.


Our second opportunity focuses on research of whale species in the Cape
Cod Bay and Stellwagen Bank. Interns will participate in Whale Watches
recording data on sightings and behavior while engaging the public in
conservation activities surrounding these animals. The internship
description can be found here
ps/complete_list_of_internships/position_details.php?id=100> .


For a complete list of application instructions and requirements please
visit our website
ps/applying_for_an_internship.php> .


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