Dear ECS and MARMAM readers,

On Saturday 5th April 2014 at the upcoming European Cetacean Society conference 
in Liege the following workshop on “Exploring technologies for improved data 
capture from platform of opportunity surveys of marine mammals" will be held in 
the Aquarium.   
This workshop is organized by the Atlantic Research Coalition (ARC) the largest 
European partnership of ferry surveying organisations and will run in the 
afternoon from 1400-1800.
We still have few places remaining, but we are strongly interested by people 
able to present a short talk on the topic of new technologies for improving 
data capture (5-7mins). If you are interested could you please provide us a 
short abstract (<200 word), outlining your work.

Short summary:
In recent years, due to increasing development and decreasing cost, 
technologies for infield data capture of marine mammals has become widely 
available to many survey programmes. In particular the use of web and GIS 
enabled mobile devices, such as phones, tablets and PDAs, can help in improving 
data collection on platforms of opportunity (ferries, whale watching boats, 
fisheries vessels etc) where in the past data has suffered from issues relating 
to miscapture by surveyors or labour intensive transcription from paper 
records. Therefore, the aim of this workshop is to explore the recent 
development of these new technologies for wide implementation across networks 
of opportunistic platforms. This will be achieved through a combination of case 
studies from invited speakers trialling new approaches and guided discussion of 
the advantages and limiting factors of such technologies in application at 
different campaign scales. Outcomes of the workshop included increased 
efficiency of data collected via these networks and provide direct benefit and 
implication to policy demands for marine mammal monitoring (e.g. Marine 
Strategy Framework Directive, Habitats Directive) and other proposed survey 
programmes (i.e. SCANS III).   

So, if you would like to attend or offer to do a presentation at this workshop.
please contact:  or

Thank you very much for your attention and see you in Liège!

Best regards,

Thibaut Bouveroux
Scientific Manager 
51, Rue du Général de Gaulle
59123 Zuydcoote 
(0033) 06 40 14 33 18
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