New report available

Baird, R.W., S.W. Martin, D.L. Webster, and B.L. Southall. 2014. Assessment of 
Modeled Received Sound Pressure Levels and Movements of Satellite-Tagged 
Odontocetes Exposed to Mid-Frequency Active Sonar at the Pacific Missile Range 
Facility: February 2011 Through February 2013. Prepared for U.S. Pacific Fleet, 
submitted to NAVFAC PAC by HDR Environmental, Operations and Construction, Inc.

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The Pacific Missile Range Facility (PMRF) off the island of Kaua'i is the site 
of regular United States (U.S.) Navy training, some of which involves 
mid-frequency active sonar (MFAS) use from different types of military sound 
sources. PMRF includes acoustic instrumentation which allows for passive 
acoustic monitoring (PAM) capabilities to detect and localize sounds such as 
vocalizing marine mammals. Recent boat-based studies at PMRF have utilized 
real-time PAM (in conjunction with the Marine Mammal Monitoring on Navy Ranges 
project) to detect odontocetes for vectoring a field tagging boat to groups in 
order to increase the likelihood of deploying satellite tags. The resulting 
data have allowed for an assessment of habitat use and range of several 
different species. Some of these boat-based tagging efforts were timed to occur 
just before Submarine Commanders Courses (SCCs) occurring on PMRF so that 
animal movements and diving behavior could be measured both before and during 
sonar use. PMRF PAM data and tag data were used in this initial analysis to 
estimate exposure levels for tagged animals and determine whether any 
large-scale movements of these animals may have occurred in response to MFAS 
exposure. We first assessed temporal and spatial overlap between the location 
data from satellite tags and available acoustic recordings and selected a 
subset of data for which there was sufficient overlap. The MFAS transmission 
times (determined directly using sounds received on the range hydrophones), 
ship positions at time of transmissions (provided by PMRF) and animal locations 
(determined from satellite tag positions) allowed estimation of the sound 
pressure levels the tagged animals were exposed to using the U.S. Navy's 
Personal Computer Interactive Multi-sensor Analysis Tool propagation model. 
Between February 2011 and February 2013, satellite-tag data were obtained from 
23 individuals of four species of odontocetes: rough-toothed dolphins (Steno 
bredanensis, n = 8), common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus, n = 6), 
false killer whales (Pseudorca crassidens, n = 3) and short-finned pilot whales 
(Globicephala macrorhynchus, n = 6). Satellite tags were deployed on five 
different occasions during this period, with four of the five efforts timed to 
coincide with SCCs (February 2011, August 2011, February 2012, February 2013). 
The remaining field effort occurred prior to the July 2012 Rim of the Pacific 
exercise. Initial analysis of tag and PMRF data revealed temporal and general 
spatial overlap for eight individuals of three species: bottlenose dolphin, 
short-finned pilot whale, and rough-toothed dolphin. This initial exposure 
analysis was restricted to one bottlenose dolphin, one short-finned pilot 
whale, and two rough-toothed dolphins. Based on photo-identification and 
association analyses, all tagged individuals are known to be from populations 
generally resident to the islands of Kaua'i and Ni'ihau. Satellite tagged 
animals were exposed to estimated received levels of: 130 to 144 decibels for 
two rough-toothed dolphins, referenced to a pressure of 1 micropascal (dB re: 
1μPa) root mean square, hereafter dB; 149 to 168 dB for a bottlenose dolphin; 
and 141 to 162 dB for a short finned pilot whale. The bottlenose dolphin showed 
no large-scale movements out of the area during sonar exposures despite these 
relatively high predicted received levels, and the short-finned pilot whale 
actually moved towards areas of higher exposures during the third day of a 3 
day period of regular MFAS use. There are a number of acknowledged limitations 
in terms of the modeling assumptions and the level of resolution on individual 
response relative to specific sonar transmissions. However, these results 
demonstrate that this novel integrated approach of using location data from 
satellite-tagged individuals and modeling to estimate received levels from 
acoustic recordings from the PMRF hydrophones is a viable and promising 
approach to examine both estimated exposure levels and potential large-scale 
movement reactions of tagged individuals.

Robin W. Baird, Ph.D.
Research Biologist
Cascadia Research Collective
218 1/2 W. 4th Avenue
Olympia, WA 98501
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