Mares Conference
Marine Ecosystems Health and Conservation
17-21 November 2014, Olhão, Portugal
Call for papers for the Mares Conference Special Issue in Marine Environmental 
Research now open to all attendees who present a digital object or a poster!
Deadline registration extended : October 12,  2014!
The Mares Conference on Marine Ecosystems Health and Conservation will take 
place in Olhão, Portugal, from 17 to 21 November 2014.
Selected papers from the conference will be published in a special issue of 
Marine Environmental Research<http://www.maresconference.eu/node/4511>. All 
presenters (oral, digital object and poster) are encouraged to submit full 
length research papers<http://ees.elsevier.com/mere/default.asp?pg=login.asp>. 
Moreover, the organizing and scientific committees are delighted to announce 
that the call for papers is now extended to all attendees who didn't submit an 
abstract in due time but are willing to register for the Mares conference and 
present their research in the form of a digital 
object<http://www.maresconference.eu/node/371> or a poster.
Registration is thus extended until 12 October 2014, register 
And upload your abstract for a digital object (highly encouraged) or a poster 
by 20 October 2014 Here<http://www.maresconference.eu/node/4682>.
Please note that only persons fully registered by 12 October and who submitted 
an abstract by 20 October will be considered for the S.I.
For more information about venue, scientific and social programme, etc. please 
visit the Mares conference website<http://www.maresconference.eu/> at 
We look forward to meeting you in Olhão,
The Organizing and Scientific Committees,
Prof. Dr. Adelino Canario
Prof. Dr. Karim Erzini
Prof. Dr. Estér Serrão
Prof. Dr. Rui Santos
Prof. Dr. Magda Vincx
Dr. Tim Deprez
Pieter Blondeel
Wendy Massart

Dr. Catherine Boyen
Dr. Ana Marta Gonçalves
Dr. Wiebe Kooistra
Dr. Aline Tribollet
Prof. Dr. Estér Serrão
Dr. Carl Van Colen

PS: Sorry for any cross-posting


MARES Conference Coordination Office

Ghent University
Marine Biology Research Group
Krijgslaan 281/S8
B-9000 Ghent , Belgium
Tel. +32 9 264 85 26


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