Dear Marmamers,

We welcome attendance and input at the forthcoming World Cetacean Alliance
(WCA) Workshops to be held on Monday 16 March – Tuesday 17 March 2015, in
Brighton, UK, (immediately following WhaleFest 2015).

*The WCA Workshops: Four Global Programmes to Protect Cetaceans*, will see
cetacean experts and advocates from across the world gather to discuss and
plan strategies for protecting whales, dolphins and porpoises through the
WCA Partnership. Implementation of these Global Programmes will be the top
priority for the World Cetacean Alliance during 2015/16 and beyond.

We therefore welcome input from experts and the public, scientists and
other stakeholders with an interest or expertise in any of the following
four programme areas: 1. Responsible whale and dolphin watching, 2. Ghost
nets and entanglement, 3. Cetacean captivity, and 4. Threatened species.

How to attend?

The WCA Workshops are free to WCA Partners. If you are not already a
Partner of the WCA you need to join the WCA to attend the workshops.
Anybody can join as an Individual Partner (even if you represent a
non-profit organisation or whale and dolphin watching tour operator) for
just £100 / US$165 / €120, and then reserve your place at the workshops.

For more information on joining fees and becoming a Partner of the World
Cetacean Alliance go to:

You can also register as a Partner and book your Workshop tickets here:

WORKSHOP PROGRAMME (venue to be announced)

WCA WORKSHOP DAY 1 – Monday 16 March


9.00 – 13.00

9.00: Workshop starts on Brighton beach outside Brighton Centre

10.00: Session introduction

10.15: Did anybody ask Moby? Should whale watch guidelines focus more on
the whale’s perspective?

11.00: The way forward – delivering responsible whale & dolphin watching
for destinations

12.00: Plenary session

12.45: Actions

13.00 – 14.00 – lunch


14.00 – 17.30

14.00. Session introduction

14.15: Update from World Animal Protection on the Global Ghost Gear
Initiative and Sea Change campaign

15.00. Practical opportunity to use the Sea Change Hub and understand how
Partners can assist in vital data collection of ghost fishing gear

15.30. Introducing the ‘Net effect’ campaign

15.45. Workshop session 1: How to engage the public on the issue of ghost
gear and entanglement

15.45. Workshop Session 2: How to create the ultimate ‘Net Effect’
education pack for whale and dolphin watching guides and other marine users

17.00. Actions

17.30. End

Evening social. TBA

WCA WORKSHOP DAY 2 – Tuesday 17 March


9.00 – 13.00

9.00: Introductions and vision for the Captivity Working Group from the
Working Group Chair

9.20: Wild & Free campaign objectives and update (including a review of the
tour operator targeted campaign)

9.40: Dolphinaria Free Europe coalition, objectives and update

10.00: WCA: The one-stop shop on captivity. Creating an active and
productive network of experts, NGOs and individuals, with a focus on
gathering and sharing resources to bring about change. Plenary discussion
to review current tools and materials and to identify further desired
resources: identifying source, role and time-frame.

10.45: The cruise ship campaign: background, need for a coordinated action.

11.30: Supporting each other. Plenary discussion identifying further agenda
of the Captivity Group and where partners need assistance and support.

12.30. Conclusions and actions


9.00 – 13.00

9.00. Introduction

9.15. Threatened species – their relevance in historical and modern culture

10.00. Threatened species – geographical overlap with stakeholder community
– Non-Profit Organisations and whale and dolphin watch tour operators

11.00. Workshop. Preventing extinctions through partnership. How can we

12.30. Actions

13.00 – 14.00 – lunch


14.00. Introduction

14.15. Summaries of agreed actions from the four workshops: 1) responsible
whale and dolphin watching, 2) ghost nets and entanglement, 3) cetacean
captivity, and 4) threatened species

15.00. Plenary discussion. Executing an Action Plan for the four global
programmes (workshops).

16.00. Q&A session involving all Partners and the Secretariat on all
aspects of the WCA

17.00. Concluding remarks

17.30. End

Register as a Partner and book your Workshop tickets here:

The World Cetacean Alliance is the world’s largest Partnership working to
protect whales, dolphins and porpoises (cetaceans). Together we represent
70 Partners in 35 countries worldwide and we are expanding rapidly. Through
cooperation, the Partners of the World Cetacean Alliance aim to conserve
and protect cetaceans and their habitats in the world’s oceans, seas and
rivers, to ensure their continued health and survival.

The WCA is committed to preventing all cetaceans from being held in
captivity except for rehabilitation and release purposes. We are also
developing and implementing new concepts for responsible whale and dolphin
watching with the potential to inspire and educate millions of people.
Finally, we aim to expand the global community of people who care for
cetaceans, have a desire to learn about them, and respect them.
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