Dear all, 

We are pleased to announce publication of the following article:

King, S. L., Schick, R. S., Donovan, C., Booth, C. G., Burgman, M., Thomas, L., 
Harwood, J. (2015). An interim framework for assessing the population 
consequences of disturbance. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. doi: 


1. Changes in natural patterns of animal behaviour and physiology resulting 
from anthropogenic disturbance
may alter the conservation status of a population if they affect the ability of 
individuals to survive, breed or grow.
However, information to forecast population-level consequences of such changes 
is often lacking.
2. We developed an interim framework to assess the population consequences of 
disturbance when empirical
information is sparse.We show how daily effects of disturbance, which are often 
straightforward to estimate, can
be scaled to the disturbance duration and to multiple sources of disturbance.
3. We used expert elicitation to estimate parameters that define how changes in 
individual behaviour or physiology
affect vital rates and incorporated them into a stochastic population model. 
Model outputs can be used to
evaluate cumulative impacts of disturbance over space and time. As an example, 
we forecast the potential effects
of disturbance from offshore wind farm construction on the North Sea harbour 
porpoise (Phocoena phocoena)
4. Synthesis and applications. The interim framework can be used to forecast 
the effects of disturbances from
human activities on animal populations, to assess the effectiveness of 
mitigation measures and to identify priority
areas for research that reduces uncertainty in population forecasts. The last 
two applications are likely to be
important in situations where there is a risk of unacceptable change in a 
species’ conservation status. The framework
should, however, be augmented with empirical data as soon as these are 

You can access the article here:

best wishes, 

Stephanie and co-authors 

Dr. Stephanie L. King
University of St Andrews
East Sands
St Andrews
KY16 8LB

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